Grow / Harvest Call Winners

The GROW/HARVEST call aimed to encourage SMEs’ cross-sectoral collaboration in the framework of innovative projects within the construction sector. These collaborative projects enabled SMEs to use knowledge, expertise and technology assets from other industrial sectors to increase their performance and productivity. Furthermore, the GROW/HARVEST call intended to stimulate EU-wide collaboration of SMEs to allow them to detect market opportunities and establish partnerships that they are not naturally tending to look for. GROW project covered the field of technological research (TRL3-5), whereas HARVEST projects focused on the more advanced product demonstration stage (TRL5-9).

The members of the collaboration projects needed to be active in one of the following eligible industrial sectors and have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 873964.


Nature-Based Solutions

Recycling & Circular Economy

Additive Manufacturing

Construction + ICT

  • Monitoring and managing building energy / comfort / health performance in buildings

  • New BIM and digital tools for SMEs


 Developing a novel tool for the inspection of building assets using an autonomous robotic (AR) UAV flying through tightly confined spaces, a task which is
difficult and dangerous for humans.


Developing a tool to support the construction sector in designing and maintaining critical infrastructure to cope with changes of extreme events caused by climate change.

Digital HVAC

Developing and validating a digital tool that will enable the digitalization of existing 2D HVAC drawings to BIM models in an automatic way.

Digital Mecodi

Providing real-time data accessible from anywhere and by anyone (with granted access) to be able to maintain an all-time updated the BIM of the underground structure and track the differences between forecasted and real behaviour.


Developing an innovative wireless solution for remote real-time monitoring of concrete temperature, humidity and strength in construction projects.

Natural Digibuilding

Digitalizing several nature-based solutions applicable in new constructions and
refurbishment projects, implementing ICT technologies and actions to reduce carbon footprint, monitoring the impact in the building itself, its management and its occupants.


Development of a digital tool for the estimation of a building’s Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) using information from BIM tools, combined with Building Management Systems (BMS).


Demonstrating the use of Digital Twin will improve the comfort and indoor air quality of buildings, bringing to users valuable information.

Construction + Nature-Based Solutions

  • NBS system solutions for renovation

  • Digitization of care / maintenance / monitoring for NBS


Providing a turnkey solution for modular green roofs, to be tested in a pilot environment and that could be easily scaled up.

Vertical Ecosystem

 Demonstrating and validating an innovative solution to integrate NBS in existing buildings during renovation processes while applying a circular economy approach.

Construction + Recycling and Circular Economy

3. G-Hcall_CIRCULAR challenge image
  • New recycled building and/or urban fabric materials

  • Digital solutions for the Circular approach in the construction sector


Exploring the possibility to define a concept for deconstructable buildings made by prefabricated concrete elements incorporating Recycled Aggregates (RAs) from CDW.

Eco-Sustainable Block

Developing a new eco-sustainable building material made up of cement and recycled aggregates coming from the End-of-Life wind farms blades; this material will be used to realize cement-based building blocks.


Creating a prototype of a new predalles slab used to cast partially precast floors of civil and industrial buildings.

Insulating Panel

Developing a new building material that, using the original FenX mixture, incorporates the recycled carbon fibers and wastes coming from FenX production.

Construction + Additive Manufacturing

4. G-Hcall_AM challenge image
  • Waste reuse through integration into large 3D printing processes for the construction sector
  • Integration of new functionalities in construction components by means of 3D printing


Creating an “industrially viable” 3D Printable concrete with a “lower-carbon footprint” meant for specialty construction.

Recycled 3D Staircase

Showing how cross-sectoral innovation can bring new solutions to integrate waste in the 3D printing of construction elements.