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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SME?

From the EU-Commission definition, a Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is characterized by:

  • Staff headcount less or equal to 250
  • Annual turnover less or equal to €50 million OR annual balance sheet total less or equal to €43 million

More information under;SME_SESSION_ID=FwYY_eRY8_3mlb0Zh1FPNW0Y1tNwKxkoTmYybCqS6oImqSUFczaW!-1182254096?execution=e1s1

Who can apply?

Individual SMEs belonging to one of the 5 target sectors and one of the 6 target countries or to any of the associated platforms detailed above.

How do I submit an application?

Main steps of the application procedure for the SEED Innovation Voucher:

  1. Register on
  2. Confirm compliance with eligibility criteria for participating in the open call and absence of conflict of interest.
  3. Fill in a pre-assessment form responding to Key Performance Indicators and expected objectives.
  4. Prepare and submit the application on Good Grants (automatic redirect from including signed offer from service provider. The application must be completed in English, applications submitted in other languages will not be taken into consideration

Shortly after the submission the applicant will receive an automatically generated acknowledgement of receipt. This acknowledgement of receipt does not imply that the proposal has been accepted as eligible for funding.

No additions or changes within the application will be considered after the submission. Once your application is submitted and validated.

Is there a maximum amount for the contribution?

SMEs will receive a maximum of ONE SEED Innovation Voucher.

Where do I find further information about this Call?

You can find more information in the SEED Call Guidelines for Applicants (EN)

Or by contacting your national contacts:

Austria Contact Person: Susanne Formanek


France Contact Person: Paul Bessieres


Hungary Contact Person: Robert Nemeth


Italy Contact Person: Marco Massoni


Portugal Contact Person: Rita Moura


Spain Contact Person: Carlos Martinez Bertrand


Which countries can apply?

Applicants need to be established in one of the following six METABUILDING target countries:

  • Austria
  • France
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • Spain

If they are located elsewhere in Europe, they can also apply if they are a direct member or a member of an institution being a member of the EURIC, AM, EFB, ECTP platforms.

Can SMEs receive a voucher multiple times?

No, SMEs will be founded only once with one SEED Innovation Voucher

How long is a voucher valid?

The SEED Innovation Voucher is valid to be used within a period of 2 months after receiving the confirmation of being awarded.

What is the call opening date?

Call opening 02.11.2021

What is the call closing date?

Call closing 26.01.2022 at 17:00 (Brussels time)

Who is going to evaluate my application?

Application for SEED innovation vouchers will be evaluated on national level by independent experts (not related to the project) forming part of a national jury following the same criteria in all countries. The national juries will present their evaluation results to the METABUILDING evaluation board (including jury members from all countries), who will take the final funding decisions.

What is going to be evaluated?

Three main criteria (presented in the table below) are going to be evaluated:

Criteria Weight Max. score Description
Innovative character of the project idea 40% 5 The proposed project idea or innovation opportunity demonstrates a significant innovation potential compared to the existing technologies and/or solutions available on the market.
Impact on the construction sector 40% 5 The proposed project idea or innovation opportunity will have a significant impact on the construction sector by addressing specific needs or bringing in new opportunities.
Relevance to the regional scope 20% 5 The proposed project idea or innovation opportunity addresses is in line with regional development priorities and will help regional development.
Total 100% 15

Can the application be submitted in any language?

No, only English applications will be accepted

How do the reimbursement work?

In order to receive the reimbursement, the awardee has to complete and submit a post-assessment questionnaire containing pre-defined KPIs which help to measure and compare the impact of the supported activities.

A second post-assessment on the same KPIs is required 12 months after the implementation of the service in order to analyze the medium-term impact of the supported activities on the awarded SMEs.

Are the SEED Innovation vouchers considered as a service from the program DE Minimis?

The EU funding is centrally managed by the European Commission and therefore not considered as De-Minimis state aid. Consequently, SEED innovation vouchers should not be taken into account when determining maximum overall funding allowed per beneficiary (according to De-Minimis).

Could the Voucher of 5,000€ be used for more than one service (e.g. part for IPR research, other part for technical analysis) ?

Yes, if the 5 k€ are enough to help analysing several aspects concerning the feasibility of an innovation project.

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