Innovation Funding

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60 Innovation Vouchers

SME vouchers for technological, legal, financial, and business expert support.


60 Collaborative Projects

Funding the develop of new technologies in response to specific cross-sectoral challenges.


40 Collaborative Projects

Supporting SME's to use existing technologies from another METABUILDING industrial sector and/or countries in a collaborative project.

In total over 140 SME's funded by METABUILDING

METABUILDING will distribute €300K in SEED Innovation Vouchers and €2.4 million in grants for collaborative co-creation and insourcing projects (GROW and HARVEST).

METABUILDING Provides Innovation Support to SME’s from 5 Industrial Sectors




Nature-Based Solutions


Circularity & Recycling


Digital Industry


Additive Manufacturing

METABUILDING aims to increase SME productivity and competitiveness through enhancing collaboration between SME’s across EU countries and regions. Small-Medium Enterprise’s (SME’s) are in the centre of the METABUILDING innovation ecosystem. METABUILDING will distribute €2.7 million to SME’s through the SEED, GROW and HARVET Open Calls. Funding will be available for projects which join the Construction Industry with any of the following 4 innovative and emerging industrial sectors; Additive Manufacturing, Recycling & Circularity, Digital Industry and Nature-Based Solutions.

METABUILDING follows a multi-level strategy to: 

  • Help SME’s build the foundations for a strong innovation strategy (SEED)
  • Create collaboration across industrial sectors and country borders to develop new technologies in response to specific cross-sectoral challenges (GROW).
  • Encourage the use of existing technologies from an industrial sector in another METABUILDING industrial sector in order to respond to specific cross-sectoral challenges (HARVEST)
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