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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SME?

From the EU-Commission definition, a Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is characterized by:

  • Staff headcount less or equal to 250
  • Annual turnover less or equal to €50 million OR annual balance sheet total less or equal to €43 million

More information under;SME_SESSION_ID=FwYY_eRY8_3mlb0Zh1FPNW0Y1tNwKxkoTmYybCqS6oImqSUFczaW!-1182254096?execution=e1s1

Who can apply?

A consortium of two or more SMEs that can be completed by a non-SME partner not receiving any financing.  The consortium must be cross-sectoral bringing together SMEs from the 5 target sectors.
At least one of the SMEs has to be established in one of the six METABUILDING target countries: Austria, France, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Spain or be a direct member, or a member of an organisation which is a member, of the EURIC, AM, EFB and ECTP platforms. A proof oft he membership has to be provided with the application.

The other SME(s) in the consortium need(s) to be located in any of the EU-countries or Horizon 2020 associated countries.

How do I submit an application?

Main steps of the application procedure for the GROW/HARVEST call applications:

  1. Register on
  2. Confirm compliance with eligibility criteria for participating in the open call and absence of conflict of interest.
  3. If needed use tools METABUILDING platform to find a consortium partner, technology asset and/or a service provider
  4. Prepare and submit the application on Good Grants (automatic redirect from including signed offer from service provider.
  5. The application must be completed in English, applications submitted in other languages will not be taken into consideration
  6. After submission the applicant will receive an automatically generated acknowledgement of receipt. This acknowledgement

Is there a maximum amount for the contribution?

Although the project budget can be higher, the total financing per project is limited to 60,000 €. Please note that the proposed budget has to be in line with the effort to implement the project.

Where do I find further information about this Call?

You can find more information in the GROW/HARVEST Call Guidelines for Applicants (EN)

Or by contacting your national contacts:

Austria Contact Person : Susanne Formanek


France Contact Person : Marlène Gallet


Hungary Contact Person : Robert Németh


Italy Contact Person : Maria Luisa Colella and Valentina James


Portugal Contact Person: Filipe Ribeiro and Filomena Duarte


Spain Contact Person : Paula Menéndez


Which countries can apply?

Applicants need to be established in one of the following six METABUILDING target countries:

  • Austria
  • France
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • Spain

If they are located elsewhere in Europe, they can also apply if they are a direct member or a member of an institution being a member of the EURIC, AM, EFB, ECTP platforms.

Can SMEs receive a grant multiple times?

Yes, an SME can receive financing within different projects submitted to the different calls (SEED, GROW/HARVEST) published by the METABUILDING project. However, the total sum of direct METABUILDING financial support per SME is limited to 60,000 €.

What is the duration of a GROW/HARVEST project?

The GROW/HARVEST projects have a duration of maximum 6 months after signing the agreement.

What is the call opening date?

Call opening Second round : 01.03.2022

What is the call closing date?

Call closing Second round: 25.05.2022 at 17:00 (Brussels time)

Who is going to evaluate my application?

Application for the GROW/HARVEST collaborative projects will be evaluated by independent experts (not related to the project).

What is going to be evaluated?

Three main criteria (presented in the table below) are going to be evaluated:

Criteria Weight Max. score Description
Excellence 30% 5
  • The concept is aligned with the METABUILDING objectives, demonstrate a strong cross-border and cross-sector dimension and helps develop new industrial value chains
  • The proposed project idea demonstrates a significant innovation potential compared to the technologies and/or solutions available on the market.
  • The description of the proposed development is realistic.
  • The focus of the concept is near-to-market (TRL >3)
Impact 40% 5
  • The proposed project idea will have a significant impact on the construction sector at national and European level.
  • The proposed project idea will have an impact on the SMEs participating in the consortium (turn-over, new markets, etc.)
  • Provide a convincing description of the added value provided to targeted users or customers of the innovation
  • The steps and methods to bring the products or solution to the market are clearly described (for example new software-based marketing methods)
Implementation 30% 5
  • The cross-sectoral and cross-border partnership and role of each partner is sufficiently described.
  • The budget is in line with the activities to be developed
  • Comprehensive description of activities and realistic timeframe of implementation
Total 100% 15

The maximum score of 5 in each of the evaluation criteria can only be achieved if the cross-border scope, impact or dimension can be evidenced.

When will the results be communicated?

On November 15, 2021.

Can the application be submitted in any language?

No, only applications submitted in English will be accepted.

How do the reimbursement work?

In order to receive the reimbursement, the awardee has to complete and submit a post-assessment questionnaire containing pre-defined KPIs which help to measure and compare the impact of the supported activities.

A second post-assessment on the same KPIs is required 12 months after the implementation of the service in order to analyze the medium-term impact of the supported activities on the awarded SMEs.

Are the GROW/HARVEST grants considered as a service from the program DE Minimis?

The EU funding is centrally managed by the European Commission and therefore not considered as De-Minimis state aid. Consequently, GROW/HARVEST grant should not be taken into account when determining maximum overall funding allowed per beneficiary (according to De-Minimis).

Can I work with a non-SME partner?

Yes, but they have to come with their own funding as they can’t receive funding from the grant.
If you want to work with a service provider please check the Innovation Stakeholder Directory to find eligible service providers here Innovation Stakeholder Directory – METABUILDING.

How do I have to use the money of the grant?

Up to 75% can be used to pay external services to service providers that belong to the Innovation Stakeholder Pool.
A 25% at least of the budget must be used by the SMEs to cover their own implementation costs. Equipment costs are not eligible.
Costs exceeding the amount of the grant can be covered by the SMEs or a non-SME partner with their own funds.
Large Enterprises can’t receive any funding from the grant.

Do I have to upload all the documents requested?

Yes, if one of the requested documents is missing the application won’t be eligible.

Can a non-EU SME receive money from the grant?

No, only SMEs established in an EU country or being located in any of the Horizon 2020 associated countries can receive funding from the grant. Please check the list here:

Does my project have to address one of the 8 topics?

Yes, the call is challenge-based and only applications addressing at least one of the topics of the challenges will be eligible. Please note that you have to indicate in which topic your project should be evaluated.


How can a service provider be registered in the METABUILDING Innovation Stakeholder Pool?

Potential service providers have to register as users in the METABUILDING platform and signal their interest to become an Innovation Stakeholder. Then, they will have to contact the national Helpdesk of their country to learn about the procedure.


How many projects will be funded in total?

In this first round of GROW/HARVEST call a total of 16 projects will be funded based on the quality of the proposal and independently of the countries of origin of the participating SMEs.


Can a project not result in a marketed product?

The outcome has to be in line with the TRL expected at the end of the project and the result doesn’t necessarily has to be a finalised product.

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