| Innovation Stakeholder Directory






Innovation Services


www.adivet.netFranceNature-Based Solutions
Innovation Mentoring
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Conseil et support technique
Sophie Rousset-Rouvière
+33 (0)6 69 18 68 27

AIDIMME-Metal processing, Furniture, Wood, Packaging an Related Technological Instituteen.aidimme.esSpainConstruction
Innovation Mentoring
VET and high graduates stages Workers training Masters of environmental issues Pre-doctorates stages. Training by interactive materials data base
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Technological assistance:
– Product and materials development, improvement and compliance
– Sustainable habitat
– Environmental Impact Reduction
– EI4.0 process innovation
– Construction 4.0
Technical support for the improvement and validation of materials and products regarding national and international regulations by conducting tests and advice on:
– Quality and behavior of furniture, mattresses and luminaires.
– Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs, materials and products.
– Fire behavior (reaction).
– Behavior against aggressive conditions and aging: temperature, humidity, corrosion, solar radiation, vibration.
– Protection and behavior of wood and derivatives against damaging agents – biodegradation.
Research, Development & Innovation: – construction elements – habitat products: furniture, lamps, … – surfaces and coatings – materials based on wood, WBP and metal – Sustainable materials
Inspections in situ to analize the constructions, providing: – monitorization of constructive elements and materials degradation – information about how to retrofit the construction
Identification of partners or innovative technologies
Modified surfaces. Sensors to monitorizate construction degradation, providing alarms to minimaze the damage. Pre-fabricated elements ready to be used, minimizing work on site. Sustainable materials.
Samuel Félix
+34 96 136 60 70
AIMPLAS - Asociación de Investigación de Materiales Plásticos y Conexas, Plastic Technology Centerwww.aimplas.netSpainConstruction; Circularity & Recycling
Innovation Mentoring
Support for the design of an innovative offer, service or product. AIMPLAS develops tailored R&D projects to meet the needs of companies in the construction sector. Some of the investigation lines which stand out are:
• Pultrusion optimization processes and pilot scale.
• Bio flame retardant materials.
• Sustainable construction (biopolymers, natural fibres, geopolymers…).
• Improving of asphalt and concrete formulations
• 3D Printing
IPR Analysis
IPR analysis, look for patets. Technological vigilance.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Technology survey: identifying most suitable technologies for innovative projects; Support for proof of concept and tests of innovative solutions in pilot plants. AIMPLAS’ fields of work are related to technological research and development on thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials & products, its transformation processes and their recyclability and sustainability. AIMPLAS generates new knowledge and technologies that can be transferred to companies in order to help them to increase their effectiveness and competitiveness. AIMPLAS has broad expertise in the fields of flame retardant and flame resistant materials, recycling, compatibilization, reactive extrusion, biopolymers, and renewable source materials, special assisted processing technologies and nanocomposites, gained during the last years in the frame of EU and national projects. Nowadays, AIMPLAS is involved in more than 37 European projects and has participated in 71 projects in FP5, FP6, FP7, LIFE+, CIP-Eco-Innovation EU Programmes, among others. At National and Regional levels AIMPLAS participates in around 100 projects yearly.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Sourcing and qualification of innovative solutions and partners; Call for innovative solutions and partners, we have more than 700 associated companies that could be interested in collaborating in new projects.
PhD. Arsenio Navarro Muedra anavarro@aimplas.es
+341366040 (ext 3109)
Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)https://www.ait.ac.at/en/solutionsAustriaConstruction; Digital Industry
Innovation Mentoring
Innovation strategies and roadmaps from scratch to implementation, Consulting on funding strategies.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Development of digital solutions from concepts, mockups, prototypes, MVP till market ready. Solutions on how to generate cost savings via greater efficiency and higher productivity, build better buildings and circular economy. Use of machine learning, artificial intelligence, predictive maintenance, and numerical optimization. Renewable energy (wind, solar and geothermal) and storage (short and long-term). Technical analysis and analysis on how to gain advantage from existing solutions (Technological Competence Leveraging).
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Business planning with value proposition building, business model canvas, market analysis, market segmentation, TAM, SAM, SOM-evaluation, competitors analysis, Porters 5-forces analysis, PESTEL-analysis, SWOT-analysis, qualitative and quantitative interviews, pricing strategies, Kano model. Business models development with pro forma income statement, cash flow statement, balance sheet and break-even analysis (NPV,…).
Klemens Marx
+43 50550-6033
ALLICIwww.allici.frFranceConstruction; Digital Industry; Additive Manufacturing
IPR Analysis
Analyse de liberté d’exploitation de votre innovation. Etude de brevetabilité de votre innovation. Rédaction et dépôt de demandes de brevet tant en France qu’à l’étranger
Laurent Fantin
Tél: 33 5 56 96 26 20
Associação Nacional de Coberturas Verdades (ANCV)www.greenroofs.ptPortugal Nature-Based Solutions
Innovation Mentoring
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Identification of partners or innovative technologies
Due diligence on potential partners or innovative technologies
BOKU-SIGAustriaNature-Based Solutions
Innovation Mentoring
Extensive knowledge of national and international standards and regulations: Guidance in national, European and international requirements, standards and regulations. Support to develop or improve new innovative products+Technical audits for innovative products. Capacity to deal with complex needs and problems thanks to the transversality between our areas and the expertise of our technicians.
Scientific Support for Company Partners in the Water Sector
Analysis of innovation needs, identification of scientific approaches, technologies and industrial trends; definition of funding opportunities and research projects; processing and elaboration of scientific/technical issues; method development, consulting and standard testing.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Reliability, quality and safety assessment of nature based solutions in urban water management. Accredited test service for technical filter materials for storm water treatment (acc. to ASI ON B 2506-3 Standard). We have laboratories and technological skills in:
• chemical analysis of water and soil
• microbiological analysis of water and soil
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Scientific and economic knowledge of public and private innovative actions and up-to-date solutions: help to target good partners and promising innovative technologies.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Expertise in evaluation of innovative solutions
Thomas Ertl
+43 664 4416716
BUILT CoLAB - Digital Built Environmentwww.builtcolab.ptPortugalConstruction; Digital Industry
Innovation Mentoring
BIM-based methodologies (design, construction, facility management, etc.). Digital Twin implementations (buildings, structures, neighborhoods for Smart Cities, facility management, etc) –
Development of digital models of buildings and infrastructures, with dynamic virtual representation of its life cycle, using real-time data. Parametric Design and algorithmic optimization for efficient and sustainable materials production, off-site construction façades and rooftops. Advanced BIM modeling and simulation, including algorithmic design and construction optimization. Smart Modular Design considering Life Cycle Assessment; Building Digital Transition – Mapping, digitization and automation of processes, including training in digital skills, for a sustained digital transformation.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
BIM-based applications, methodologies and projects. Is BIM potencial being fully explores? What can be improved? What can be failing? Life Cycle Assessment and Circular Construction based on digital tools and integrated and intelligent evaluation of circularity and sustainability. Building Digital Transition – Mapping, digitization and automation of processes including assistance in digital skills, for a sustained digital transformation. Analysis and support to the development of digital models of buildings and infrastructures, with dynamic virtual representation of its life cycle, using real-time data.
Identification of partners or innovative technologies
Support in the identification of innovative technologies, partners, customers, trends and new markets.
Due diligence on potential partners or innovative technologies
As a collaborative laboratory created by the government to interface digital technologies with construction SMEs, we are connected with hundreds of potential partners just in Portugal (through our Associates, the Portuguese AEC cluster and the PTPC platform). Due diligences can be conducted to partner common interests and to leverage innovative technologies to SMEs (such as the ones mentioned above).
João Moutinho;
+351 938874415
CAP TERREwww.cap-terre.comFranceNature-Based Solutions; Construction
Innovation Mentoring
Appui à la construction d’offre & produits différenciants
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Assistance à la structuration de l’offre technique et financière
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Benchmark des cibles et opportunités sur le marché français; Assistance à la réalisation de démonstrateurs et retours d’expériences
Cedric Nicard
Innovation Mentoring
Revue d’opportunités d’innovation bio-inspiré:
L’objectif est de dresser un panorama des opportunités du biomimétisme pour les activités du client de manière à alimenter les démarches R&D en faveur du biomimétisme et faciliter la sélection de projets démonstrateurs. Cette étude préliminaire doit permettre de préfigurer une taxonomie fonctionnelle des activités du client sous l’angle du biomimétisme.
– Une analyse des enjeux prioritaires pour le secteur
– Un état de l’art des initiatives et développements technologiques en cours
– Une revue de thématiques d’intérêt issues du biomimétisme pour le secteur
Exploration des modèles du vivant pour faciliter le processus de biomimétisme:
Selon une problématique définie par le client les équipes Ceebios mènent une étude de cette problématique sous l’angle du biomimétisme, avec l’objectif d’identifier des modèles biologiques d’intérêt pour faire face à la problématique et description des mécanismes en jeu. Cette mission s’articule autour des axes suivants :
– Identification de modèles biologiques d’intérêt ;
– Description des mécanismes mis en jeu ;
– Définition des rôles dans le vivant ;
– Exploration des fonctions connexes (dimension multifonctionnelle).
– supports de restitution avec références bibliographiques
– atelier d’explications des contenus
– illustration de la démarche méthodologique,
– outils et analyses,
– identification d’expertises et partenaires potentiels
Formation méthodologique pour application d’une démarche de biomimétisme:
Au travers d’une séance d’ateliers pratique, nous venons former les équipes internes à mener un processus de biomimétisme . Les ateliers vont apprendre aux équipes à voir une problématique technique selon l’angle du vivant, à trouver et décrypter des modèles biologiques et à faire un transfert de connaissance des fonctions biologiques d’intérêt vers la résolution du problème technique.
– ateliers de formation
– documents de présentation méthodologique
Identification of partners or innovative technologies
Benchmarking de solutions bio-inspirées:
Selon une problématique technique précise, nous réalisons un benchmarking des solutions et technologies bioinspirées pertinentes (matures ou encore en développement) pour faire face à la problématique définie.
– cahier de solutions identifiées
Eduardo Blancoeduardo.blanco@ceebios.com
CE CoLAB/www.cecolab.pt/PortugalCircularity & Recycling
Innovation Mentoring
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Identification of partners or innovative technologies
Due diligence on potential partners or innovative technologies
Jorge Paiva research@cecolab.pt
CEITwww.ceit.esSpainAdditive Manufacturing, Construction, Circularity & Recycling
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Mechanical characterization and structural integrity. Structural and physical-chemical characterization. Behavior and durability in harsh-aggressive environments. HIP and powder batch manufacturing
Ibon Ocaña
CENTRO CERAMICO - Consorzio Universitario per la Gestione di Ricerca e Sperimentazione per l'Industria Ceramicawww.centroceramico.itItaly Construction; Circularity & Recycling
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Technical ASSISTANCE to obtain “GREEN CERTIFICATIONS” (Ecolabel, LEED, CAM, BREEAM, …). Technical ANALYSIS: chemical, thermal (TG-DTA, dilatometry), mineralogical (XRD, Rietveld-RIR) analyses; surface roughness and texture (2D and 3D), microstructure (SEM, OM), contact angle, colour and gloss measurements, mechanical tests (hardness, flexural strength, Young modulus, Weibull modulus).
TILES: Centro Ceramico is notified by the Ministry of Economic Development for tests on ceramic tiles aimed at the CE marking and it is accredited to carry out the tests EN ISO 10545 according to the Standards EN 14411 and ISO 13006; SASO ISO 10545 according to the Standards SASO ISO 13006; CAHIER DU CSTB 3778_V4 required by the QB-UPEC Certification. This accreditation allows us to carry out the activity of test laboratory for granting the right to use the marks CERTIQUALITY-UNI e CEN-KEYMARK and the test laboratory activity for the QB-UPEC Mark surveillance.
ADHESIVES for TILES: Centro Ceramico is notified by the Ministry of Economic Development for tests on adhesives for the installation of ceramic tiles, aimed at the CE marking. In addition, we can carry out tests directly on building site (tensile adhesion strength tests, adhesion tests on the basis of specific building schemes with any intermediate layers, …
INSTALLATION MEMBRANES: technological tests on membranes for the installation of ceramic tiling according to EN Standards (liquid membranes) and ANSI Standards (sound reduction- and crack isolation- membranes); tests on uncoupling membranes using the Universal Floor Tester instrument.
Elisa Rambaldi
CERIBwww.cerib.comFranceConstruction; Nature-Based Solutions; Circularity & Recycling; Digital Industry; Additive Manufacturing
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Caractérisation, qualification et modélisation : Analyse et Caractérisation des matériaux (liants et materiaux composites); Economie Circulaire des materiaux de construction (broyage, formulation, industrialisation , caractérisation); Procedes industriels (injection, extrusion, impression, formage, moulage).
Formation : Caractérisation des matériaux (liants et materiaux composites); Economie Circulaire des materiaux de construction (broyage, formulation, industrialisation , caractérisation); Procedes industriels (injection, extrusion, impression, formage, moulage), Modelisation numerique (BIM, Structure, Feu, comportement,…)
R&D : developpement de nouveaux matériaux (liants et materiaux composites); Economie Circulaire des materiaux de construction (broyage, formulation, industrialisation , caractérisation); Procedes industriels (injection, extrusion, impression, formage, moulage,vibration ), de nouvelles solutions constructives ( produits 2D, 3D, …); Modelisation numerique (BIM, Sémantique,…)
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Mise en relation et accompagnement au montage de projet innovant. Accompagnement et pilotage de projet de développement de systemes constructifs et leurs procédés de mise en œuvre. Veille technologique multisectorielles.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Evaluation/audit des potentielles solutions d’innovation. Verification des spécifications de certification.
tel :
CRITT Polymères www.critt-polymeres.frFranceCircularity & Recycling
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Analyse et Caractérisation des matériaux (élastomères, plastiques et composites). Economie Circulaire des plastiques (broyage, formulation-granulation, mise en œuvre sur ligne pilote de plasturgie, caractérisation). Transformation des matières plastiques (injection, extrusion film, co-extrusion feuille/plaque, soufflage, compression, thermoformage)
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Mise en relation et accompagnement au montage de projet innovant. Aide au choix des technologies et procédés de mise en œuvre, et industrialisation. Formation aux procédés de mise en œuvre et aux techniques de caractérisation des polymères
Yves Machu
Tél : 03 44 28 54 20
Mob : 06 80 48 96 67
CTMNCwww.ctmnc.frFranceConstruction; Circularity & Recycling
Innovation Mentoring
Roofing; Cladding; Masonry; Flooring Tiles or stones; Eco-design; Industrial processing of Heavy clay products
IPR Analysis
Industrial processing of heavy clay; Building applications of heavy clay and stone
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Roofing; Cladding; Masonry; Flooring Tiles or stones; Eco-design; LCA; Industrial processing of Heavy clay products
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Identification of partners or innovative technologies: Industrial processing of heavy clay; Building applications of heavy clay and stones
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Environmental issues; Building market strategy
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans:
Circular economy of heavy clay or stones; reuse of landed sediments
IPR Analysis: deleume.n@ctmnc.fr
Technical Analysis and Assistance: sari.m@ctmnc.fr
Other: dupont.o@ctmnc.fr
Danubia IPwww.danubia.comHungary Construction; Nature-Based Solutions; Circularity & Recycling; Additive Manufacturing
Innovation Mentoring
Developing and Implementing an Organisational IP Policy
IPR Analysis
Intellectual Property Valuation and Audits
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Technology Transfer and Licence Agreements
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Managing Industrial Property Right Tenders and R&D certification
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Industrial Property and Innovation Consultancy
Molnár István
University of Brescia, Department: Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics (DICATAM)ItalyConstruction Management; Building Information Modelling; Process Engineering in Construction
Innovation Mentoring
Service 1
Support in developing digital construction strategies for SMEs

Service 2
BIM implementation in construction projects (BIM, 4D BIM, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality use cases development)

Service 3
Internet of Things and sensors technologies implementation for construction and built environment (in collaboration with the interdepartmental living lab of the University of Brescia managed by the Department of Information Engineering)
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Conseil et support technique
Prof. Giorgio Bertanza
DigiLean Competence Hub, Aurum Oktatási Központ Kfthttps://digilean.hu/Hungary Construction; Nature-Based Solutions; Circularity & Recycling; Additive Manufacturing
Innovation Mentoring
Strategic consulting, Strategic consulting about digital manufaturing solutions and implementation of them. Introduction of lean management systems.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Process optimalisation, Within the competencees of DigiLean Hub: 3D printing, production flow simulation, camera aided quality control solutions, CAD/CAM engineering assistance, Real time logistics monitoring
Industrial IoT solutions
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Consulting for Industry 4.0, Consulting for lean management and total productive maintenance, consulting for production equipment investment
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
benchmarking possibilities within hub network
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Strategic consulting
Elaboration of Market Studies
Strategic consulting
Illyés Péter

Tömpe László
Digital Findet Stadt GmbHwww.digitalfindetstadt.atAustriaDigital Industry; Circularity & Recycling
Innovation Mentoring
Roadmap for Digital Innovations:
A Digital Innovation Workshop to create a roadmap of innovation projects based on customer needs, market influences, technical capabilities of the company and economic potentials, Project development:
support in the evaluation of project ideas and further development into projects and products, including market analysis, funding opportunities, scouting for partners, project development, Digital transformation:
guidance for SMEs within the building sector along the digital transformation, PESTEL, SWOT, market feedback
Technical Analysis and Assistance
BIM consultancy:
creation of a BIM strategy for project owners, identification of relevant BIM use-cases, guidance for implementation of the project, Digital Building Demonstration Lab:
Living Lab infrastructure in Aspern Seestadt, Vienna – Austrias largest smart city development area to demonstrate innovative digital solutions, Market studies:
market and stakeholder analysis for digitalisation within the building and construction sector
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Partner scouting:
set up of “calls for innovation” to scout partners projects, set up of networking and matchmaking events – a cooperation with the economic chamber of Vienna, Stakeholder analysis:
research of relevant stakeholders for specific innovation projects or technologies
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Business model generation:
workshops to develop, proof and challenge existing or new business modells
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans:
Market studies:
technical analysis for digitalisation within the building and construction sector
Patricia Braun
M +43 664 3582911
DI Dr Stephanie Drlikwww.lapropos.atAustria Nature-Based Solution; Construction
Innovation Mentoring
Strategie und Beratung vor und während der Einführung nachhaltiger Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklungen, Nature Based Solutions, Landschaftsarchitektur. Koordination von Konsortien und Prozessbegleitung nachhaltiger Innovationsprojekte. Partizipationsprozesse und Kommunikation in nachhaltigen Innovationsprojekten. Beratungsleistung vei der Entwicklung und Einführung neuer, nachhaltiger Unternehmens Mind Sets (Erneuerungs- und Innovationsprozesse).
Identification of partners or innovative technologies
Abbildung und Analyse des Marktgeschehens in den relevanten Sektoren. Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Entwicklung in den betroffenen Sektoren und Bereichen. Netzwerkarbeit.
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Ideen- und Strategieentwicklung interdisziplinärer Innovationsvorhaben. Projektplanung in den betroffenen Bereichen
Elaboration of Market Studies
Erstellung von Marktanaylsen in den angegebenen Sektoren
DI Dr Stephanie Drlik
Donau-Universität Krems, Dept. for Building and Environment, Dept. for Integrated Sensor Systemswww.donau-uni.ac.atAustriaConstruction; Nature-Based Solutions; Digital Industry
Innovation Mentoring
Project design for innovation and research projects. Joint application for R&D funding including selection of funding schemes. Identification of innovative technologies in areas of cooling of buildings and building automation.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Research expertise in the area of
– nature-based solutions (cooling, green buildings)
– Climate and User-Friendly Building
Research expertise in novel control concepts in building automation. Research expertise in Ecology and Close-to-Nature Green Space Design.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Partner scouting to setup R&D innovation projects in the areas of nature-based solutions, building-user interaction and building automation
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Technology survey to identify most suitable technologies for innovative projects. Support for proof of concept implementations.
Albert Treytl
+43 2622 23420;

Daniela Trauninger
+43 2732 893 2774
ecoplus Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreichwww.bauenergieumwelt.atAustria Construction
Innovation Mentoring
Vernetzungsaktivitäten, Projektkonzeptionierung, Förderberatung
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Vernetzungsaktivitäten, Projektkonzeptionierung, Förderberatung
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Vernetzungsaktivitäten, Projektkonzeptionierung, Förderberatung
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Vernetzungsaktivitäten, Projektkonzeptionierung, Förderberatung
Michaela Smertnig
ESITC CAENwww.esitc-caen.frFranceConstruction, Circularity & Recycling, Nature-Based Solutions, Digital Industry
Innovation Mentoring
Presence of a resources and operations department to find financing and partners to contribute to the development of your innovation. Service that can coordinate your project (financing management, partners, deliverables).
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Study of the mechanical behaviour of materials: manufacture of specimens, compression presses, bending, etc.
Study of soil behaviour: shear test, automatic oedometer, tests on aggregates and sawing of specimens, absorption/desorption, soil treatment…
Study of the durability of concrete: carbonation, chloride diffusion, colonisation and biodeterioration tests, Cembureau gas permeability meter, concrete grinder, mixer rheology, etc…
Construction prototypes: making and handling of construction prototypes, walls, stones, blocks, bricks…
Study of materials in controlled environments: Control and conditioning rooms which complement 4 heating and ventilation rooms allowing the test of materials and devices on a real scale. chemistry laboratory equipment is also available, namely : Gas chromato system, UV-visible spectro, Polarograph, Water clarification device, Column leaching device and vacuum filtration. Circular economy. These scientific themes serve as a basis for designing, developing, testing and specifying the technical and environmental performance of new materials in four areas:
Materials for Environmental Geotechnics
Materials for Eco-Construction
Materials for Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Materials for Maritime Infrastructures.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Presence of a resources and operations department to find financing, technologies and partners to contribute to the development of your innovation. Service that can coordinate your project (financing management, partners, deliverables.
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models
Presence of a resources and operations department to find financing, technologies and partners to contribute to the development of your innovation.Service that can coordinate your project (financing management, partners, deliverables).
Matthieu Dufeu
+33(0)2 31 46 22 96
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Industrial wooden products and Timber construction
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Industrial wooden products and Timber construction
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Industrial wooden products and Timber construction
Glósz és Társa Kft.www.glosz.huHungary Construction; Nature-Based Solutions; Circularity & Recycling; Additive Manufacturing
Innovation Mentoring
Developing and Implementing an Organisational IP Policy, Developing and impelementing an IP strategy, Innovation Managment education (short time courses), R&D project planning and project generating
IPR Analysis
Intellectual Property Valuation and Audits
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Technology Transfer and Licence Agreements
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
R&D Certification
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Industrial Property and Innovation Consultancy
Kiss János József
GreenFlexwww.greenflex.comFrance/EuropeDigital Industry
Innovation Mentoring
Diagnostic/audit stratégique; Elaboration de trajectoires de développement/de plans d’action; Mise en place de ces roadmap et déclinaison opérationnelle :
Accompagnement à l’innovation, Accompagnement au changement, Organisation d’ateliers d’intelligence collaborative… Etc.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Evaluation technique et challenge des solutions développées.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Accès à un réseau d’entreprises innovantes et mise en relation; Veille concurrentielle, Veille sur les technologies innovantes.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Vérification/audit des potentielles solutions d’innovation partenaires.
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Accompagnement à l’échelle projet, Accompagnement à l’échelle entreprise (stratégie de développement), Développement de marchés : animation de nouvelles filières (bâtiment, numérique, économie circulaire)
Pierre-Antoine Duffrene
+33 (0)6 37 24 96 43
IMG Innovation Management Group GmbHwww.innovationsmanagement.atAustria Nature-Based Solutions; Digital Industry
Innovation Mentoring
Gestaltung und Optimierung von Innovationssystemen (Strategie, Struktur, Kultur, Ressourcen, Kompetenzen und Prozess) mit Innovation System Design ©, Fachliche, organisatorische und methodische Unterstützung von Produkt-, Technologie- und Serviceentwicklungsprojekten von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung im Markt, Systematische Ideenfindung mit der Methode I-Scout ©
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Durchführen von Produkt- und Prozess-Benchmarking-Projekten, Entwicklung von modularen Produktarchitekturen, Überführen von Kundenanforderungen in technische Spezifikationen mittels der Methode QFD
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Identifikation von Partnern oder innovativen Technologien, Identifizieren und Aktivieren von regionalen Technologie- und Kompetenzpartnern aus unserer BridgeUp-Datenbank https://www.competence-map.eu/about
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Durchführen von Kompetenzanalysen von technologieintensiven Organisationen mit der Methodik Kompetenzmapping © , Durchführen von Technology assessments und Technologiestudien
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Beschleunigung von sektorübergreifenden Innovations- und Geschäftsentwicklungsprozessen mit der Methodik TimeSquare©, Gestalten von organisationsübergreifenden Wertschöpfungsarchitekturen mit den Methoden Value Proposition Design und Business Model Design, Durchführen von Umfeld- und Trendanalysen mit der Methodik Business Driver Mapping ©
Elaboration of Market Studies
Planen und Durchführen von explorativen und quantitativen Marktstudien (online und offline), Planen und Durchführen von Customer Insights Projekten und Kundenanforderungsanalysen, Durchführen von Innovationsmarketing – Kampagnen und Vorfeld-Marketing-Projekten
DI Dr. Manfred Peritsch
Email: m.peritsch@innovationsmanagement.at
mobil: +43 676 4923 596
Impulse Partnersimpulse-partners.comFranceConstrction, Real estate, Industry and Smart City
Innovation Mentoring
Innovation mentoring: Support for the design of an innovative offer, service or product (design thinking, business model canva, etc.).; 360° incubation of an innovative project (product offer, technology, industrialisation, marketing, finance, HR, sales,…); Acceleration of innovative projets (sales, funding, HR, industrial partnerships, etc.)
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Technology survey : identifying most suitable technologies for innovative projects; Support for proof of concept and tests of innovative solutions
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Sourcing and qualification of innovative solutions and partners; Call for innovative solutions and partners
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Technical and market due diligence; Financial due diligence
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Search for cross-sectorial synergies; Definition of an ecosystemic cross-sectorial business models
Elaboration of Market Studies
Qualitative analysis (focus group, customer test, etc.); Quantitative analysis (market sizing, market dynamics, etc.)

Gabriel Carrière
Email: gabriel.carriere@impulse-partners.com
INESC TECwww.inesctec.ptPortugal Digital Industry
Innovation Mentoring
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Identification of partners or innovative technologies
Due diligence on potential partners or innovative technologies
Luis Carneiro luis.carneiro@inesctec.pt
ITeC – The Catalonia Institute of Construction Technologyen.itec.catSpainConstruction; Circularity & Recycling
Innovation Mentoring
Innovation maturity assessment for the construction sector; Definition of the R&D development strategy; Advice throughout the R&D grants. Tecnical support, courses and development of construction softwares.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
We assist manufacturers of innovative and non-standarised construction products and systems on identifying the technical and regulatory requirements that are relevant for the product and its installation on site, as well as on the methodologies and criteria for assessing such requirements. Depending on the stage of development of the product by the manufacturer, our assistance may be:
– The input data (design specifications) for the design and development of the product
– A pre-assessment meant for the initial validation of product design
– An assessment of the final product and subsequent certification of its manufacture.
We offer these services both at Spanish level and European level. We assist manufacturers, suppliers and companies dedicated to construction products in the digitization of information related to their products to facilitate their placing on the market and their prescription in projects and works, through structured databases and marketing campaigns.
We work in various areas:
– Material cost information.
– Technical specifications.
– Environmental information
– Related information on safety and health, and quality control
– Product modeling with the eCOB standard including the product information in the model.We assist constractors and other companies involved on Construction Sector in the digitization of the information and the optimization of all construction processes in all the life cycle of the assets providing knowledge, methodologies and tools and databases to facilitate their placing and the continuous improvement.

We offer diferent area services:

– Assessment, training and consultancy services to implement LEAN CONSTRUCTION and LAST PLANNER SYSTEM.
– Assessment, training and consultancy services to implement INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY system (collaborative contracts)
– Assessment, training and consultancy services to implement BIM methodology.
– Assessment, training and consultancy services to implement our tools and Construction Databases and integrated them in CRMS of the client.
Our tools TCQ/TCQi are oriented to manage all the perspective of a project: in all the lyfe cycle phases: budget, Monthly Bill of quantities planning, QA/QC, H&S, Environment ans sustaibility, maintenance,…
We assist Public Bodies and Private developers in several phase like projects review, tendering process,…

– Assessment, training and consultancy services related to digitalization on bidding process, with special software and provide recommendation on the suitable of the bidders.

– Writting and advicing about project specifications for tenders and other Contract documents.

– Review and audits of executive projects and As Built projects of buildings and infrastructures.with our specific protocol, analysing in depth viability of design, measurements, QA/QC perspective, sustainability solutitions,…
Elaboration of Market Studies
Dashboard check for the European construction market: We quantify the production of different construction segments (housing, non-residential, civil engineering) and provide future scenarios for 19 European countries. Studies on competitiveness of construction products (existing or in development): The objective of this kind of analysis is to predict how the market will react to a chosen product. This allows to fine-tune the products in order to maximize their competitive advantages from a technical, legal, environmental and commercial standpoint.
David Sabatés Rosell
LEITATwww.leitat.orgSpain; EuropeConstruction; Nature-Based Solutions; Circularity & Recycling; Additive Manufacturing
Innovation Mentoring
Innovation Mentoring, Design Thinking
Technical Analysis and Assistance
R&D support to enterprises, Technical analysis and assistance for product improvements and new technologies implementation, Testing facilities for estandar and certified tests. `On Demand´ development of testing procedures, Life Cycle, Cost and Social Assessment
Identifcation of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies among extensive network., Nature-Based Solutions, 5G data interroperability
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Due diligence on advanced material and manufacturing, Due diligence on 3D printing, Due diligence on photonics
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
3D pilot plant integration, Collaborative robot implementation
Elaboration of Market Studies
Elaboration of market studies
Carolina Carbo
Email: ccarbo@leitat.org
Karl Grimm Landschaftsarchitekten ZTwww.grimm.co.atAustriaConstruction; Nature-Based Solutions
Innovation Mentoring
mit naturbasierten Lösungen, Bauwerksbegrünung, Ökosystemleistungen mit naturbasierten Lösungen im Freiraum, Sanierung und Entwicklung von
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Planung und Projektierung von Freiraum und grüner Infrastruktur in allen Projektphasen, Erhebungen und Planungen zu Biodiversität und ökologischer Funktionalität, Integration von Freiraumplanung und grüner infrastruktur in Städtebau und Raumplanung
DI Karl Grimm
MATERALIAhttps://www.materalia.fr/fr/FranceMaterials, Processes and Solutions field, with a focus in 4 sectors: Transports, Industry, Health and Energy. Two core transversal themes : digital and green transitions
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Assistance in structuring and setting up an innovation project.
Service 2
Analysis of innovation needs, identification of technological barriers, and of scientific and technological approaches and industrial trends. Regulatory analysis
Identification of partners and innovative technologies
Identification of regional, national and European funding mechanisms.
Service 3
Support to communication and visibility in the industrial and academic ecosystem
Technical workshops, organisation of matchmaking events
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Information monitoring (technological, innovation, competition…)
Service 2
Project management support (calls for proposals monitoring, drafting of proposals, guidance, adecuation of calls for projects with national, European and international strategies)
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Targeted matchmaking aiming at building up collaborative innovation projects or creating business collaborations at the Regional, National and European level
Service 2
Assistance in carrying out life cycle assesment (LCA)
Service 3
Organisation of creativity workshops
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Competitive intelligence (strategic watch to identify trends and innovations)
Service 2
Support when approaching private funding thanks to the HiFrance label
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Elaboration of market studies related to cutting-edge technologies, decision-making support.
Lucia Gonzalez Aguilar

+33 07 61 46 94 48

Email: celine.escoffier@materalia.fr a.fr Num : 06. 19. 37. 51. 66. //
Mondaymonday.ptPortugal Construction; Digital Industry; Nature-Based Solutions; Additive Manufacturing; Circularity & Recycling
Elaboration of cross-sectoral business models/plans
Elaboration of market studies
Diogo Romão diogo.romao@monday.pt
Nikko Engineering GmbHwww.nikko-engineering.atAustriaConstruction
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Ertragssimulation von PV-Anlagen. Technische Auslegung von PV-Anlagen. Mess- und Überprüfungsleistungen.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Analyse von technischen Unterlagen. Durchführung von elektrischen Anlagenprüfungen gemäß geltenden Normen. Fehlersuche und Optimierungskonzepte für PV-Anlagen
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Analyse und Ermittlung elektrischer Energieflüsse. Planung von Maßnahmen zur Änderung des Verbrauchsprofils. Input zu Kombination von Photovoltaik und Heizungssystemen.
Andreas Dallinger
+43699 17118196
Innovation Mentoring
Expertise of the Scientific and Technical Council of Novabuild, CPS technique of project development
Technical analysis and assistance
Technical support for innovative construction projects, Carbon and Resilience consulting
Identification of partners or innovative technologies
Identification of technical, research and market partners
Elaboration of cross-sectoral business models/plans
Strategy consulting
Lucie Vidal
IBO- Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie GmbHwww.ibo.atAustria Construction; Nature-Based Solutions
Innovation Mentoring
Optimierungsberatung von Produkten über den Lebenszyklus, Ökologische Konstruktionen, Plusenergiegebäude, Plusenergiequartiere
IPR Analysis
Technical analysis and assistance
Ökologische Bauprodukstoptimierung, Ökologische Gebäudeoptimierung, Ökologische Sanierungsoptimierung, Behaglichkeitsanalysen
Identification of technical, research and market partners
Vernetzungsaktivitäten, Projektkonzeption, Technologieanalyse
DI Dr. Bernhard Lipp
+43 699 13192006
INTROMACwww.intromac.juntaex.es/SpainConstruction; Circularity & Recycling; Digital Industry
Innovation Mentoring
related with buildings’ performance, such as environmental impact, energy efficiency, monitoring,
acoustics, circular economy, ecodesign, BIM (Building Information Model), etc. , Services focuses on the construction industry materials and elements, hence, these activities address waste recycling, reuse and revalorization, life cycle optimization, landscape recovery,
sustainable mining, water management, sustainable materials, historical heritage, etc.
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Standard laboratory tests: concrete and its components, soils, asphalt mixtures, waters, ceramics, mortars, cements, natural stone, etc., Scientific-technical services aimed at the industrial and business sector.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Materials technology (material properties, material testing), Coal and oil technology (asphalt materials), Acoustics (acoustic properties of solids, noise, vibrations), Construction technology (bridges, concrete technology, housing , light constructions, prefabricated constructions, road construction, energy efficiency in buildings), Engineering and environmental technology (waste disposal), Architecture (cultural heritage). Mining technology (alternative processes to the use of explosives in quarries) and Economics of technological change (Technological innovation), Information and communication technology (sensorization and monitoring)
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Promote the creation of technology-based entities and companies
Manuel Martín Castizo
Odéyswww.odeys.frFranceConstruction / Aménagement / Matériaux / Bâtiment / Infrastructure
Innovation Mentoring
Aide à la structuration et au montage de projet innovant; Support à la rédaction et relecture; Conseil sur la pertinence/cohérence globale de l’idée
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Sourcing de partenaires techniques; Mise en relation qualifiée avec les partenaires; Identification de technologies innovantes
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Echanges préalables avec les partenaires; Caractérisation des besoins et compétences; Qualification des partenaires et solutions

Laurène Felix
07 85 17 06 99
ÖGUTwww.oegut.atAustriaConstruction; Nature-Based Solutions
Innovation Mentoring
Development of model-scenarios and environmental accounting. Support members of ÖGUT to develop or improve
new innovative products. Product assessment in line with sustainability criteria. Sustainability certification of company pension and retirement funds.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Feasibility studies (low-exergy networks, breakthrough technologies) and technical reports including sustainability criteria. Part of applied research programm “city of tomorrow” to screen innovative services and products. Training in innovative methodologies such as Art of Hosting, Dynamic Facilitation, Citizens Advice or Communities of Practice. Training investment managers on sustainability.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Austrian building certification criteria “klimaaktiv” in sustainable building. Partners and suppliers validation (e.g. committing to Austrian eco-label). Scientific and economic knowledge
of public and private innovative actions and up-to-date solutions: help to target good partners and promising innovative technologies.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Products of partners and suppliers assessment. Expertise in evaluation of innovative solutions.
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models
Ensure that products and goods fulfil quality, health and safety, environmental and social responsibility standards (Austrian eco-label), operating more efficiently, reducing costs and minimising risks. Projects dealing wiht the generation of business models and opportunities (H2020 COHERENO). Support to foresee and respond to the future challenges of industry and society, accessing new business opportunities, new markets.
Elaboration of Market Studies
Possible access to markets thanks to recognised building certification, financial assessments and hosting a crowd-investing platform “crowd4climate”. Far reaching network of societal, financial market players among ÖGUTs members. Providing a stage for innovative products and companies by award-giving (OEGUT Environment Prize), presentation of various national awards on behalf of public institutions.
Hannes Warmuth
+43 1 315 63 93
R2M Solution Francewww.r2msolution.comFranceConstruction
Innovation Mentoring
Organisation d’ateliers de Design Thinking pour favoriser l’émergence de nouvelles idées et/ou murir un concept existant
Identification of partners or innovative technologies
Services d’aide au montage et de recherche de financement (en particulier Européens, H2020, Horizon Europe) pour des projets d’innovation dans le secteur de la Construction : recherche de guichets de financement et/ou appels à projets pertinents ; recherches de partenaires pour élaborer un consortium pertinent ; accompagnement à la rédaction de la proposition ; accompagnement sur la gestion du projet (technique et/ou administrative) une fois celui-ci financé
Elaboration of market studies
Service d’études de marché et études de faisabilité dans le secteur de la construction (exemples de référence : étude sur le secteur du photovoltaïque intégré au bâtiment, étude de marché pour une nouvelle certification “green building” pour les hôpitaux; étude de positionnement marché pour un outil logiciel d’aménagement urbain, etc.)
Regis Decorme regis.decorme@r2msolution.com
R2M Solution Italywww.r2msolution.comItaly Construction
Innovation Mentoring
Support to companies and PA entities in: analysis of the innovation needs in the construction sector (residential, industrial, commercial, etc.). Identification of new technologies and trends in constructions, energy efficiency and digital industry (latest innovative products and services available). Definition of funding opportunities and research projects. Consulting on the digitalization needs for the construction and manufacturing sectors.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Application of digital innovative products in the construction sector (BIM, digital twin, energy modelling, etc.) for improving energy efficiency performance and delivering more cost-efficient impacts. Green Building and energy efficiency certifications and audits. Analyisis of digitalisation needs of manufacturing SMEs, support to the identification of opportunities for application of AI, robotics and cybersecurity solutions. ESCO and smart grid services (technological integration, commercial packaging, and project development of turnkey smart grid solutions made possible by smart meters and peer-to-peer energy trading).
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Services of search and funding assistance (at EU level, mainly Horizon Europe and Digital Europe programmes) for research and innovation projects in the construction and manufacturing sectors: search for calls for projects fitting with the stakeholder needs; search for partners to develop a relevant consortium; support in drafting the proposal; support on project management (technical and /or administrative and financial) once it has been funded. Search for digital technology providers for the construction sector aiming to implement digitalization projects with private partners. Search for IT technology providers to implement digitalisation solutions for Industry (e.g. ERP, quality detection systems, IoT, AI, robotics, cybersecurity, etc.).
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Provision of sustainability due diligence in the construction sector, by means of standardized procedures (e.g., interviews, site visits, background checks or applying industry expertise in order to identify risks and opportunities of improvement and application of environmental and wellbeing international standards of certification – LEED, BREAM, etc.)
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Elaboration of value propositions, business plans, business models and exploitation pathways for innovative products and services (e.g., technologies, digital tools, etc.) aiming to scale-up the market.
Elaboration of Market Studies
Market studies and feasibility studies in the real estate/construction, ICT for manufacturing sectors
Sara Momi
R2M Solution Spainwww.r2msolution.comSpainConstruction
Innovation Mentoring
Support to companies and PA entities in: analysis of the innovation needs in the construction sector (residential, industrial, commercial, etc.). Identification of new technologies and trends in constructions, energy efficiency and energy communities. Definition of funding opportunities and research projects. Consulting on the digitalization needs for the construction sector and the energy services that can be provided with it.
IPR Analysis
IP Strategy definition and management. Freedom to Operate Analysis. Consultancy service and support for EU trademark registration.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Application of digital innovative products in the construction sector (BIM, digital twin, energy modelling, etc.) for improving energy efficiency performance and delivering more cost-efficient impacts. Green Building and energy efficiency certifications and audits. Support in the development and implementation of innovative energy services models based on Energy Community concept. ESCO and smart grid services (technological integration, commercial packaging, and project development of turnkey smart grid solutions made possible by smart meters and peer-to-peer energy trading).
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Services of search and funding assistance (at EU level, mainly Horizon Europe and Digital Europe programmes) for research and innovation projects in the construction and manufacturing sectors: search for calls for projects fitting with the stakeholder needs; search for partners to develop a relevant consortium; support in drafting the proposal; support on project management (technical and /or administrative and financial) once it has been funded. Search for digital technology providers for the construction sector aiming to implement digitalization projects with private partners. Seach for energy sector partners and providers to build up innovative energy services and turn-key solutions for building energy efficiency improvemen together with energy communities deployment and funding.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Provision of sustainability due diligence in the construction sector, by means of standardized procedures (e.g., interviews, site visits, background checks or applying industry expertise in order to identify risks and opportunities of improvement and application of environmental and wellbeing international standards of certification – LEED, BREAM, etc.). Provision of sustainability due diligence in the energy services sector, by means of standardized procedures (e.g., interviews, site visits, background checks or applying industry expertise in order to identify risks and opportunities of improvement and application of IPMVP and ISO50001 schemes).
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Elaboration of value propositions, business plans, business models and exploitation pathways for innovative products and services (e.g., technologies, digital tools, etc.) aiming to scale-up the market.
Elaboration of Market Studies
Market studies and feasibility studies in the real estate/construction and energy sectors.
Raymond Sterling
Pôle de Compétitivité Xylofuturwww.xylofutur.frFranceConstruction
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Labellisation projet: avis technique d’une commission d’experts sur le montage du projet d’innovation (consortium, déroulé projet, budget, etc.)
Apolline Oswald - Chef de Projet Bois Matériau
06 41 33 27 22
PRONEXT Kft.pronext.huHungary Construction; Nature-Based Solutions; Circularity & Recycling; Additive Manufacturing
Innovation Mentoring
Mentoring to implement Innovation Management Standard (ISO 56000) within the company. Mentoring to facilitate creation of ambidextrous organisation and activities. Mentoring to create successful innovation culture within the organisation. Mentoring to facilitate idea generation and idea management to increase innovation effectiveness.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Assessing and benchmarking innovation capacity of the company. Designing and establishing the Innovation Management System to implement successful innovation activities. Assessing and defining business models of innovation ideas to measure maturity and propose plan for implementation.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Creation of Innovation Strategy, defining innovation arenas and partners for innovation networking. Trend analysis to define Innovation Ambition
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Innovation consulting to define ways of co-operation based on Innovation Strategy objectives. Assessing and defining business models of innovation ideas to measure maturity and propose plan for implementation
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Innovation consulting to assess current business models. Trend analysis to define future Innovation Arenas (promising business models).
Elaboration of Market Studies
Complete global Innovation Benchmark based on Innovation Management Standard, certified by the EU’s IMP3rove Initiative. Assessment of innovation capabilities regarding competitor benchmarks, Industry 4.0 (Digital Intelligence), Sustainability
Makray-Rózsás Árpád
TecMinhowww.tecminho.uminho.ptPortugalConstruction; Nature-Based Solutions; Digital Industry
IPR Analysis
General informations about Industrial Property and its legislation; Access to national and international IP databases; Support on elaboration and drawing up of requests for several IP fields (Patents, Design and Trademarks) IP audits to companies and collaborative research projects
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Technology survey; Tests Labs for materials; Development of test procedures to assess the conformity of all types of construction materials, products and systems ensuring that they fulfil the applicable regulations or go beyond the scope of current regulations
Technacolwww.technacol.comFranceMaterial Engineering, Adhesives, Plastics, Material Durability, Ageing
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Material, Plastics or Adhesives laboratory analysis and study. Material durability study
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Innovation for assemblies and materials.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Technical audit of material solutions.
Mathieu Charlas
+33 6 47 03 17 04
Technical University of Vienna - Institute of Material Technology, Building Physics and Building Ecologywww.obt.tuwien.ac.atAustriaConstruction; Nature-Based Solutions
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Building physics laboratory and insitu measurements, simulations, research into innovative materials and constructions. Building physics and building ecology laboratory tests. Outdoor test stand for testing various constructions incl. Connections.
Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Azra Korjenic
Innovation Mentoring
Support to increase the added value of products, to develop reliable brands and to acquire competitive advantage. Support to develop or improve
new innovative products + technical audits for innovative. Extensive knowledge of national and international standards and regulations: Guidance in national, European and
international requirements, standards and regulations (UNE, EN, ASTM, UL, NFPA, JIS…). Capacity to deal with complex needs and problems thanks to the transversality between our areas and the expertise of our technicians.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Reliability, quality and safety assessment of construction materials and elements through following services, added to an international recognition of our reports. Over 1,000 tests and calibrations accredited by ENAC/ILAC over 40,000 m2 of laboratories with cutting-edge facilities and methodologies + full scale tests + on-site tests. “Customised” studies and tests for product development and quality control: Development of test procedures to assess the conformity of all types of construction materials, products and systems ensuring that they fulfil the applicable regulations or go beyond the scope of current regulations. We have laboratories and technological skills in:
• Fire Safety (Reaction to Fire and
Fire Resistance)
• Structural Safety
• Physical-chemical Characterisation
• Acoustics and Thermal Laboratory
• Biological Characterisation
• Environmental Quality
• Mechanical Performance
• Corrosion
• Accelerated Ageing
• Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
• Fatigue and Service Life Testing
• Energy Efficiency
• BIM (Building Information Model)
Tecnalia can deliver European Technical Assessments (ETAs) as a technical assessment recognized body by EOTA (European Organisation for Technical Assessment). The ETA offers manufacturers a voluntary route to CE marking, where the product is not or not fully covered by a harmonised standard. Failure analysis and prevention in components and systems :
• Mechanical (fatigue-fracture)
• Corrosion
• Erosion-Friction-Wear-High
• Temperature
on Metallic, Polymeric, Composite, Ceramic, Paints, Coatings and Welded components
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Used to product diversification projects. Partners and suppliers validation. Scientific and economic knowledge of public and private innovative actions and up-to-date solutions: help to target good partners and promising innovative technologies
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Products of partners and suppliers assessment. Expertise in evaluation of innovative solutions. Technical and predemolition audits.
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Ensure that products and goods fulfil quality, health and safety, environmental and social responsibility standards, operating more efficiently, reducing costs and minimising risks. In their sector and in prevision to be implemented in others. Market diversification projects and generation of business opportunities. Support to foresee and respond to the future challenges of industry and society, accessing new business opportunities, new markets
Elaboration of Market Studies
Possible access to international markets thanks to the worldwide recognition of TECNALIA’s technical reports. TECNALIA Ventures can help to enhance R&D and grow business since it has developed an entrepreneurship ecosystem which helps us to value and launch new technological assets with the ultimate aim of generating value for the companies and for society. Accelerate “time-to-market” for new products.
Amandine Bocheux
+33 (0)6 70 83 41 44
Tecnaliawww.tecnalia.comSpain Materials & Products
Circularity & Recycling
Characterization of materials and residues
Novel processes for residues management
Innovation Mentoring
Service 1
Development and scale-up of recovery processes, based on pyro, hydro, iono, and electrometallurgical processesaiming the recovery and valorization of residues.

Service 2
Development and scale-up of recovery processes, based on pyro, hydro, iono, and electrometallurgical processes to provide customers a solution for waste management problems related to its disposal.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Service 1
Basic engineering for the assessment of economic feasibility (preliminary CAPEX/OPEX analysis, together with life cycle cost analysis (LCC)) of material-based applications, such as pyro, hydro, iono, and electrometallurgical processes.

Service 2
Design, selection and scaling of metal recovery processes by pyro, hydro, iono, and electrometallurgical processes from primary and secondary wastes.

Service 3
Design, selection and scaling-up of pyro, hydro, iono, and electrometallurgical processes for waste valorization: prior deposition in landfill/use as secondary raw materials.

Service 4
Design, synthesis and characterization of ionic liquids for different applications such as: desulphurization and deacidification of heavy crudes, corrosion inhibitors, heat transfer, separation of cotton and polyester from textile, recycling of plastics and composited, new lubricants, CO2 capture, recovery of high added value compounds from residues, valorization of CO2 into other organic compounds, etc.

Service 5
Advanced simulation of chemical processes (HSC) complementary to experimental research.

Service 6
Direct application of accelerated carbonation technology in the treatment of cement-based materials and sequestration of CO2 aiming to prevent the leachability of heavy metals from cement-based materials.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Service 1
Development of innovative technologies for waste valorization through combined treatment technologies such as pyro, hydro, iono, and electrometallurgical processes.

Service 2
Identification of innovative technologies based on pyro, hydro, iono, and electrometallurgical processes by HSC simulation.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Products of partners and suppliers assessment. Expertise in evaluation of innovative solutions. Technical and predemolition audits.
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Ensure that products and goods fulfil quality, health and safety, environmental and social responsibility standards, operating more efficiently, reducing costs and minimising risks. In their sector and in prevision to be implemented in others. Market diversification projects and generation of business opportunities. Support to foresee and respond to the future challenges of industry and society, accessing new business opportunities, new markets
Elaboration of Market Studies
Possible access to international markets thanks to the worldwide recognition of TECNALIA’s technical reports. TECNALIA Ventures can help to enhance R&D and grow business since it has developed an entrepreneurship ecosystem which helps us to value and launch new technological assets with the ultimate aim of generating value for the companies and for society. Accelerate “time-to-market” for new products.
Abel Capelastegui
+34 647 406 427
Innovation Mentoring
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Surface Engineering: Aimed at improving the material properties by providing them with different functionalities. The main research topics are based on Materials for energy (development of new advanced materials and efficient manufacturing processes for energy conversion and storage systems), Physicochemical technologies (nanoimprint lithography, PVD, sol-gel, plasma electrolytic oxidation, direct laser deposition, laser texturing), Tribology, Control in use of industrial fluids and Materials and surface performance. ICT: Control, automation, electronics and stand-alone systems. The main activities are developed in the fields of Digital twins, Predictive analytics, Image acquisition and treatment, Localisation and planning of trajectories, Human-machine interaction, Regulation and control of systems, Electromagnetic actuators and machines, Sensor networks, Low-consumption electronics, Energy harvesting and safety, Cyber-physical systems, Advanced Manufacturing and Product Engineering
Idoia Echave
TIPEEwww.plateforme-tipee.com/FranceConstruction; Digital Industry
Innovation Mentoring
Accompagner à l’évaluation technique de produits et procédés (Atec / Atex / ETA / Titre V). Favoriser le transfert de l’innovation sur le marché (analyse technique, positionnement commerciale, mise en relation entre les patenaires, benchmark, recherche de programmes démonstrateurs, des subventions, des APP…). Développer des référentiels de conception et méthodes pour l’évaluation.
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Mettre en place des programmes de simulation (thermique, hygrohermique, QAI…)pour évaluation des performances (systèmes, matériaux…). Monter des protocoles de mesure thermique, hygrothermique, QAI.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Développer des applications numériques ou Créer des solutions via l’Intelligence Artificielle. Mise en place de plan de stratégie numérique. Favoriser le transfert de l’innovation sur le marché (analyse technique, positionnement commerciale, mise en relation entre les patenaires, benchmark, recherche de programmes démonstrateurs, des subventions, des APP…).
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Favoriser le transfert de l’innovation sur le marché (analyse technique, positionnement commerciale, mise en relation entre les patenaires, benchmark, recherche de programmes démonstrateurs, des subventions, des APP…). Analyse de faisabilité, potentialité et plan de stratégie.
Elaboration of Market Studies
Favoriser le transfert de l’innovation sur le marché (analyse technique, positionnement commerciale, mise en relation entre les patenaires, benchmark, recherche de programmes démonstrateurs, des subventions, des APP…)
Cécile Jolas
+33 6 14 43 09 36
Urban PM Kft.http://www.urbanpm.hu/Hungary Construction; Nature-Based Solutions; Circularity & Recycling; Additive Manufacturing
Innovation Mentoring
Strategic consulting for Smart City projects
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Strategic consulting
Elaboration of Market Studies
Strategic consulting
Lánszki Regő
University of Sopronsoe.huHungary Circularity & Recycling
Innovation Mentoring
Research activity, Measurement and certification, Consulting
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Cooperative measurement, Providing access to research facility, Laboratory manufacturing
Identification of Partners and Innovative Technologies
Consulting, Project cooperation
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Cooperation, Consulting
Elaboration of Market Studies
Perform marketing analysis, Consulting
V-TEST Kft.http://szeged.digital/Hungary Construction; Nature-Based Solutions; Circularity & Recycling; Additive Manufacturing
Innovation Mentoring
Strategic consulting
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans
Strategic consulting
Elaboration of Market Studies
Strategic consulting
Pavlovits Miklós
Wood K plus - Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbHwww.wood-kplus.at/deAustriaNature Based Solutions; Construction; Circularity and Recycling; Digital Industry;
Innovation Mentoring
Scientific support for company partners in the sector “wood and related renewables”: Analysis of innovation needs, identification of scientific approaches, technologies and industrial trends; definition of funding opportunities and research projects; processing and elaboration of scientific/technical issues; method development, consulting and standard testing regarding topics along the whole wood value chain;
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Applied research on wood and related renewables: Investigation of raw-material, processes, technologies and products along the value chain of wood on laboratory, technical and pilot scale: Disintegration processes;
Drying technologies:
Wood and fibre modification;
Design Engineering for multifunctional and function-oriented materials;
Adhesives technologies;
Emission analysis and indoor air quality;
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies
Identification of technologies and industrial trends; providing a network for managing cooperations and know-how between company partners; acting as interface between business and science partners in the wood and renewables sector;
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies
Literatur-, standards- and patent search within the research field wood and other renewable materials; product and technology evaluation;
Elaboration of Market Studies
Market analysis, market monitoring, consulting and research on market trends, innovations, market barriers and market opportunities; creation of econometric models and life cycle analyses; empirical social research with qualitative and quantitative methods;
Dr. Christian Hansmann
Email: c.hansmann@wood-kplus.at
Tel.: +43 1 47654 89121
Cresitt Industriehttps://www.cresitt.comFranceConstruction, Digital Industry, Nature Based Solutions
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Technological watch reports.

Service 2
Evaluation of the relevance and chances of success of an innovative technology in electronics.

Service 3
Trainings on RF antenna, EMC, embedded Linux.
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Proof of concept/prototype development and testing: Sensors, embedded systems, Wireless communications.

Service 2
Access to technology expertise and facilities for validation in power electronics, power management/optimisation, energy harvesting.

Service 3
Product validation on RF (RED directive) and EMC; Antenna design.

Access to technology expertise on Cybersecurity hardware/firmware.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Access to networks (academics, private experts) based in Centre Val de Loire.

Service 2
Transfer of technologies with appropriate technical support.
Elisabeth Patouillard
Email: Elisabeth.patouillard@cresitt.com
t2i www.t2i.itItaly
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Innovation strategy assessment; Innovation is now a top priority for the majority of business leaders. However, deciding which approach will deliver the best ROI is not always easy. Innovation management takes the guesswork out of this process. T2i works in order to identify, develop, and implement the most valuable ideas for companies and organizations.

Service 2
Innovation management; systematic process of organizing innovative practices throughout the enterprise. When leveraged effectively, innovation management can give rise to a creative culture where breakthrough ideas are generated on a continuing basis. It can also ensure complex, large-scale innovation objectives are broken down into manageable goals that various participant groups can focus on.
IPR Analysis

Service 1
State-of-the-art analysis; Priority searches between patents makes it possible to identify existing alanologies on technologies, trademarks or designs already covered by intellectual property.

Service 2
Assistance to develop effective IPR strategy ; advice to identify the best way to protect project / brand / design.

Service 3
Technology landscaping; Provides an in-depth assessment of a technology area to identify and evaluate the current and future state of relevant technologies as they are being developed across industries.
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Technology selection; consulting service, analysis, orientation and accompaniment for the provision of the best possible technology with respect to a specific need.

Service 2
Technology brokering; Intersection of multiple, otherwise disconnected industries, to analyse how existing technologies could be used to create breakthrough innovations in other markets.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Partners search and networking: orientation and accompaniment for the provision of the best possible network with specific stakeholders in order to answer to a specific need.

Service 2
Technology forecasting; Technology forecasting attempts to predict the future characteristics of useful technological machines, procedures or techniques. Researchers create technology forecasts based on past experience and current technological developments. Like other forecasts, technology forecasting can be helpful for both public and private organizations to make smart decisions. By analysing future opportunities and threats, the forecaster can improve decisions in order to achieve maximum benefits.
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
New business model design: definition and focus of the business model to describe the logic according to which an organization creates, distributes and collects value. Definition of the set of organizational and strategic solutions through which the company acquires a competitive advantage.

Service 2
Support to business plan development (for SMEs and start-ups): support and assistance in writing a business plan that summarizes the contents and characteristics of a business idea. It is used both for business planning and management and for external communication, in particular to potential lenders or investors.
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Market analysis: systematic collection, storage and analysis of data or information relating to problems related to the marketing of goods and / or services. Study and analysis of the behavior expressed and of the decision-making processes (motivations) of consumers in a market economy, definition of the structure of a market, to obtain information for those who, within a company that produces goods or services, must take marketing decisions.

Service 2
Tests with pilot users: is a rehearsal of a research study, allowing to test the research approach with a small number of test participants before conduct the main study. Although this is an additional step, it may be the time best spent on any research project.
Marco Galanti
Email: marco.galanti@t2i.it
INEGI - Instituto de Ciência e Inovação em Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Industrialhttp://www.inegi.pt/en/services/PortugalIndustry, Digital Industry, Additive Manufacturing, Circularity & Recycling, Infrastructures
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Advanced Training,

Service 2
Technology and innovation management.

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Structural integrity; Structural monitoring; Material characterization; Design, validation and inspection of mechanical structures, equipment and components.

Service 2
Scientific Investigations (Root Cause Analysis).

Service 3
Industrial engineering and management.

Industrial processes optimization, Environmental studies, Composite materials; Energy optimization of industrial processes; Product and process development.

Catarina Cardão
Email: dnegocio@inegi.up.pt
Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG)https://www.lneg.pt/en/lab/laboratory-of-materials-and-coatings/PortugalCorrosion, Anticorrosive Protection And Materials Durability - Consultancy, Studies And Expert Advices
Natural And Artificial Aging (Corrosion And Anticorrosive Protection Of Materials And Coatings) - Tests
Chemical Characterization Of Materials And Coatings - Tests
Physical And Electrochemical Characterization Of Materials And Coatings - Tests
Preparation And Observation Of Materials And Coatings Samples - Tests
Physical And Chemical Characterization Of Materials And Coatings - Tests
Polymers / Polymeric Materials - Tests
Paints And Similar Products - Tests
Organic Coatings - Tests
Surface Treatment And Metallic Coatings - Tests
Thermogravimetric Analysis (Tg / Dta) Up To 1600ºc In Controlled Atmosphere - Tests
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Name of service: Corrosion and durability of materials and coatings.

Service 2
Metal constructions; metal industries.

Service 3

Teresa C. Diamantino (Head of Laboratory of Materials and Coatings).
Teresa C. Diamantino
Email: teresa.diamantino@lneg.pt
CETMA - Centro di Ricerche Europeo di Tecnologie Design e Materialiwww.cetma.it ItalyConstruction; Recycling & Circular Economy; Digital Industry
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Technical training in the field of eco-sustainable building materials and components development.

Service 2
Innovation mentoring / support:
– project and problem setting
– business planning
– technology forecasting
– innovation marketing
– feasibility studies

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Development of eco-sustainable materials (cement free binders, e.g. geo-polymers or alkali-activated materials; concrete with high percentage of secondary raw materials, e.g. CDW, end-of-life plastics and glass, industrial by-products).

Service 2
Innovative and thermally efficient prefab building components (e.g. blocks, panels) based on CDW or waste from other industrial sectors.

Manufacturing and testing of prototype components on lab scale
Prototyping and testing of components for industrial scaling-up.

Service 3
Durability tests
– Thermal conductivity measurements
– Non-destructive diagnostic tests of components and structures (thermographic, sonic/ultrasonic and sclerometric techniques).

Service 4
Thermal performance analysis.

Service 5
Development of solutions for Structural Health Monitoring systems based on fibre optical and conventional sensors.

Service 6
DIGITALIZATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY: Development of BIM-based digital tool, Multimedia production, Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, XR Technologies.

Service 7
dashboard for advanced statistics based on Big Data Analysis and Data Mining, Software solutions for Home automation and Energy efficiency, Decision Support System, ICT Solutions for tracking.

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies among extensive international network.
Sonia Saracino
Email: sonia.saracino@cetma.it
Phone: +39 0831449410
Materials & Products
Envelopes and Components
Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) of Metal and Polymer Parts

Service 1
Access to technology expertise and facilities for validation.

Service 2

Service 3
Proof of concept/lab testing.

Service 4
Prototype development and testing.

Helmut Loibl
Email: loibl@fotec.at
Phone: +43 (0)2622 90333 120
One Teamhttps://www.oneteam.it/ItalyDigital Industry, Construction, Additive Manufacturing
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
BIM implementation consulting (we have performed over 300 BIM implementation projects and we are part of the commission writing the Italian BIM Mandate and founder of the italian BIM association ASSOBIM https://www.assobim.it/associazione-bim/) including assessment of the as-is situation (from an organizational and technical point of view), definition and execution of a training plan (dealing both with BIM management and BIM authoring softwares), project coaching on a specific project and definition of internal BIM guidelines.

Service 2
BIM coaching for the manufacturing companies producing objects for Architecture, Engineering & Construction market (https://www.bimrel.it/ https://www.letitbim.it/servizi-bim-web/download-oggetti-bim/ )

Service 3
Innovation mentoring on digitalization strategy of the construction process (we are Platinum Partner of Autodesk, one of the top 10 partner at EMEA level https://construction.autodesk.com/)

Service 4
Consulting on how to create a GEO-Digital Twin thanks to our consolidated experience with both Autodesk and ESRI platforms)

Service 5
Consulting on how to integrate in the existing processes and get the most out of the more cutting-edge solutions for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction sector as Generative Design, Virtual Reality for design review, Augmented Reality for Operation & Maintenance…
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Project coaching to help architects, designers and engineers to adopt BIM methodology on specific project (over 300 projects of BIM implementation already done)

Service 2
Support on how to produce BIM compliant objects (we have developed the first UNI11337 BIM compliant platform together with Politecnico di Milano https://www.bimrel.it/ )

Service 3
Support for the modelling of building digital twin (we are taking part to 3 EU funded projects, https://www.bim4eeb-project.eu/ https://infinitebuildingrenovation.eu/ https://ecofact-project.eu/ecofact-press-release/)

Service 4
Support the company in the BIM certification path (we have collaborated with ICMQ for the writing of the BIM certification framework), considering both the certification of its personnel and of the whole company itself.

Service 5
Support on how to obtain LEED and ENVISION certification through the adoption of BIM.

Service 6
Support in the idetification of the right Common Data Environment platform, complaint to BIM standards.

Service 7
Support on how to write BIM compliant Employer Information Requirements (EIR) e BIM Execution Plan (BEP).
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
thanks to more than 30 years of experience in the field of providing technological end-2-end solutions for supporting Architects, Engineers, Construction and manufacturing companies, we can rely on a extended ecosystem of partners who can help us to expand our value proposition (scan2BIM, additive manufacturing, drones survelliance, IoT implementation…)

Service 2
Working with cutting-edge technologies implementation with our customers and at european level (https://www.bim4eeb-project.eu/ https://www.bimrel.it/ https://ecofact-project.eu/ecofact-press-release/ https://infinitebuildingrenovation.eu/) make us aware of all the newest innovation on the market.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
we have been asked several times to make technology benchmarking and selection from our customers.
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
we help manufacturing companies through the digitalization of processes and components to communicate with Architecture, Engineering and Construction firms and integrate their 3D models with BIM Projects entering the critical phase of choice of materials
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
as part of of consulting services for our clients and as part of ASSOBIM association (https://www.assobim.it/associazione-bim/) we have collaborated in market studies elaboration
Andrea Perego
Email: andrea.perego@oneteam.it
CERIShttp://www.ceris.pt/PortugalProduct development in the Civil Engineering industries: Fernando Branco
Risk and safety in the natural and built environment: Dídia Covas
Rehabilitation of the natural and built environment: António Gago
Response to natural and societal changes: João Abreu e Silva
Manuel Duarte Pinheiro
Email: manuel.pinheiro@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbonhttps://istar.iscte-iul.pt/training/PortugalR&D
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Mentoring at different stages of a project/product/service development including ideation, strategy, and implementation in the fields of BIM, AR and VR representation, Blockchain logistics, green services, architectural design, smart buildings, etc

Service 2
Training courses on advanced use of Revit, Dynamo, Archicad, Navisworks and Adobe Creative Suite to optimize the workflow and improve the results of enterprises.
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Development of technical solutions and tools to solve problems, in an holistic approach, combining architecture, civil engineering, computer science and information systems.

Service 2
Building Information Moddeling (BIM) , assistance to BIM implementation and solutions to improve the workflow in enterprises.

Service 3
Development of strategic and technology development studies regarding, BIM, Sustainability assessments (LCA analysis and circularity of materials), VR and AR Solutions, Architectural and Urban Design.
Ricardo Resende
Email: Ricardo.Resende@iscte-iul.pt
Polytechnic of Leiriawww.ipleiria.ptPortugala) Education and training in study cycles for academic degrees, post-secondary courses, post-graduate training courses and professional training and updating of knowledge;
c) Research and development and support and participation in scientific institutions;
d) Transfer of scientific and technological knowledge and the provision of services to the community and support for development;
g) Cooperation and cultural, scientific and technical exchange with similar institutions, national and foreign;
j) Contribution to sustainable development, circular economy and carbon neutrality.
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Business intelligence;

Service 2
Technology watch;

Service 3
Intellectual property management;

Identification of innovation funding.
IPR Analysis

Service 1
Intellectual property rights analysis and management;

Service 2
Identification of existing technologies.
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Prototype development and testing;

Service 2
Pilot production and demonstration/ pilot lines / pre-series;

Service 3
Access to technology expertise and facilities for validation; laboratory tests;

Technical assistance.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Access to information and networks;

Service 2
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Access to information and networks;

Service 2
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Elaboration of business plans and communication plans;

Service 2
Elaboration of economic (or local) development plans / strategies;

Service 3
Business support, consultancy and training;

Incubation facilities.
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Elaboration of market studies;

Service 2
Economic analysis – data collection, processing and analysis;

Service 3
Identification of new markets;

Market watch.
Carlos Manuel da Silva Rabadão
Email: carlos.rabadao@ipleiria.pt
Coelho & Diebold, Lda (STEX)https://stex.pt/servicesPortugal
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Pre-Engineering Study for biofuels and biocompounds from biomasses (Main Operation Conditions, Optimized Main Operation Conditions, Economical Viability of Selected Biomass, Installation Site Evaluation (Sinergies or not), Quotation of Main Equipments,Preliminary Estimation of CAPEX and OPEX)
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Identification of partners or innovative technologies within biofuels and biocompounds from biomasses area
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Due diligence on potential partners or innovative technologies within biofuels and biocompounds from biomasses area
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Elaboration of cross-sectoral business models/plans within biofuels and biocompounds from biomasses area
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Elaboration of cross-sectoral business models/plans within biofuels and biocompounds from biomasses area
Lucas Coelho
Email: coelho.lucas@stex.pt
University of Coimbrahttps://www.uc.pt/ucbusiness
PortugalUniversity (R&D)
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Characterization, Analysis and Development of Solutions for Noise and Vibration Mitigation, and for Building Thermal Insulation/Energy Efficiency.
UC can provide:
Access to technology expertise and facilities for validation; Demonstration; Proof of concept/lab testing; Prototype development and testing; Product validation.

Service 2
Sustainability and Life-Cycle Analysis, and Development/Analysis of Sustainable and Natural-Based (including low carbon footprint solutions) Solutions and Materials.
UC can provide:
Access to technology expertise and facilities for validation; Demonstration; Proof of concept/lab testing; Prototype development and testing; Product validation.

Service 3
Analysis, Characterization and Development of Structural Steel, Wood, Concrete and mixed solutions for buildings and infrastructures
UC can provide:
Access to technology expertise and facilities for validation; Demonstration; Proof of concept/lab testing; Prototype development and testing; Product validation.

Service 4
Assessmnet of Fire Resistance and Reaction of Construction elements and materials.
UC can provide:
Access to technology expertise and facilities for validation; Demonstration; Proof of concept/lab testing; Prototype development and testing; Product validation.

Service 5
Advanced Manufacturing Systems ; Robotics and Intelligent Systems; ; Additive Manufacturing Systems
Integration of Digital Twins and conventional manufacturing processes; Digital Simulation;
Advanced Robotics for Intelligent; Manufacturing and Machinery; Sensing/Artificial Vision; UC can provide: Access to technology expertise and facilities for validation; Demonstration; Proof of concept/lab testing; Prototype development and testing; Product validation.

Service 6
Nanotechnologies; Nature based materials and Characterization; Instrumentation and Analytical Techniques; Modeling, Simulation and Optimization UC can provide: Access to technology expertise and facilities for validation; Demonstration; Proof of concept/lab testing; Prototype development and testing; Product validation.

Service 7
HPC (High Perfomance Computing); Artificial Intelligence; Cybersecurity ; Advanced digital skills (Data Science, Blockchain, Big Data, Machine Learning)
UC can provide: Access to technology expertise and facilities for validation; Demonstration; Proof of concept/lab testing; Prototype development and testing; Product validation.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Consortium development (R&D Centers, Univerisities, SMEs, Industry). UC can provide: UC Business support to identification of partners or innovative technologies
Luís Saraiva Silva
Email: luis.s.silva@uc.pt
+351 932 471 486
CSTBhttp://www.cstb.fr/en/FranceConstruction Industry, Digital Industry, Additive Manufacturing, Nature Based Solutions, Circularity and Recycling
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Technical and R&D mentoring for SME’s with our startup accelerator offer (CSTB’Lab)

Service 2
Feasability studies
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
R&D assistance for product development, innovative data analysis and calculation methods (simulation, marchine learning,…), Building Information Model expertise (BIM) & Linked Data, air quality and comfort (thermal, acoustic,…) expertise at building and neighbourhood level, innovative testings…

Service 2
Testings of innovative building components

Service 3
Technical Assessment for both European (ETA) and the french market (Avis Technique, ATEx,…)
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Scientific and technical network at national and european levels

Rémi Bouchie
Email: remi.bouchie@cstb.fr
CARTIFhttps://www.cartif.es/en/technological-offer/technological-services/SpainDigital Industry, Energy, Circular Economy, Manufacturing and Infraestructures
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
3D printing – additive manufacturing

Service 2
Circular Economy – Revalorisation of waste

Service 3
Digitalization and 3D building measurement

Service 4
Simulation and design of building systems

Service 5
Energy nature-based solutions

Service 6
BIM-based solutions
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
3D printing – additive manufacturing

Service 2
Circular Economy – Revalorisation of waste

Service 3
Digitalization and 3D building measurement

Service 4
Simulation and design of building systems

Service 5
Energy nature-based solutions

Service 6
BIM-based solutions
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
3D printing – additive manufacturing

Service 2
Circular Economy – Revalorisation of waste

Service 3
Digitalization and 3D building measurement

Service 4
Simulation and design of building systems

Service 5
Energy nature-based solutions

Service 6
BIM-based solutions
Daoíz Zamora
Email: daozam@cartif.es
Energie Kompass GmbHhttps://www.energie-kompass.at/de/leistungen/AustriaRenewable Energies
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
R&D projects for the development and demonstration of digital, renewable energy systems

Service 2
Energy consulting for private home owners

Service 3
Energy consulting for municipalities

Service 4
Consulting for development of regional energy systems and Energy Communities
BIM-based solutions
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Engineering of small scale, roof-mounted PV – installations

Service 2
Engineering of large scale, ground-mounted PV systems

Service 3
Engineering for pubic lighting systems

Service 4
Quality control, final inspections and approval documentation

Service 5
Management of authority approvals and permits

Service 6
Project management and construction supervision

Service 7
Management of public tender procedures
Michael Niederkofler
Email: niederkofler@energie-kompass.at
+43 (0)3326 524960
TCLAB -Laboratory for Research and Experimentation in Architecture Through Advanced Testinghttps://www.unirc.it/ricerca/laboratori.php?lab=69ItalyConstruction; building envelope; materials and technologies; components; research and development
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
The services offered are based on Testing activities that are implemented according to standardized protocols (eg UNI/EN, ASTM, AAMA, etc. …) or experimental.

Service 2
Innovation mentoring / support:
– Advanced testing on Building Envelope
– Performance experiments on mock-ups
– Experimental measurements and evaluations
– Basic and applied research
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
On mock-ups of building envelopes in scale 1:1
– Wind load resistance (up to the simulation of hurricanes classified AE)
– Air Permeability (in static and dynamic regime, both for facades and for windows/doors)
– Water tightness (in static and dynamic regime, both for facades and for windows/doors)
– Permanent load
– Resistance to impact (also with mortar for blasting tests, in sharing ITC-CNR)
– Resistance to seismic actions on non-structural elements on x-y-z axes
– Resistance to thermal shocks, or however to extreme thermal trends on cyclograms from +85 C° to -15 C° (+88/-18)
– Building deformations and thermal expansion
– Resistance to horizontal loads

Service 2
the thermodynamic
characterization of building envelope
systems in real scale. Outdoor Configuration:
₋ Measurements of the thermal transmittance of
opaque closures in place by means of a
₋ Measurement of innovative thermal insulation
Indoor Configuration:
₋ Measurements of the dynamic thermal transmittance
of opaque closures;
₋ Determination of the thermal conductance of opaque envelope under steady state.

Service 3
– New Materials and Performance for the development of adaptive and smart envelope (Smart Skin Envelope);
– Realization of prototypes – tested and / or certified – of Envelopes, Window frames and innovative components (eg system integration and / or stratigraphy for energy efficiency of buildings); Investigations and measurements on the “seismic behavior” of non-structural elements (shells, facades and windows).

Service 4
OTHER SERVICES OFFERED: Technical team for assembly, modification and operational support
– Laboratory;
– Tooling;
– Movements of materials, components e mock-up;
– R&D unity for sperimentation, modeling, customization,
engineering and Facade Innovation;
– Support to Public/Private Financing of R&D project.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies among extensive national and international network
Martino Milardi
Email: mmilardi@unirc.it
GrAT - Center for Appropriate Technologyhttp://grat.atAustriaAppropriate Technology, Sustainable Buildings, Biobased & Circular Economy, Product-Service-Systems, Materials & Products made of Renewables
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Support to increase the added value of products and services

Service 2
Support to develop or improve new innovative products and services

Service 3
Ecological impact analysis and assessment for innovations

Service 4
Capacity to deal with complex needs and problems thanks to the interdisciplinary team and partners
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Development/Use/Improvement of sustainable technologies, products & services

Service 2
Developing solutions for sustainable & energy efficient buildings

Service 3
Feasability studies and impact analysis

Service 4
Appropriate technology approach
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Access to an international network of innovative SMEs, clusters & academic institutions

Service 2
Identification of interdisciplinary partners & experts

Service 3
Analysis of promising sustainable innovations
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Access to international markets (especially Asia)
Dr. Robert Wimmer
Email: contact@grat.at
+43 1 58801-49523
Sistema Laboratori ABCLabhttps://www.dabc.polimi.it/laboratorio/ItalyConstruction
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Innovation strategy assessment

Service 2
Innovation management

Service 3
Knowledge management
IPR Analysis

Service 1
State-of-the-art analysis

Service 2
Assistance to develop effective IPR stragegy

Service 3
Technology landscaping
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Technology selection

Service 2
Technology brokering

Service 3
Digital Assesment
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Partners search and networking

Service 2
Technology forecasting
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Technologies evaluation focusin on BIM tools and processes

Service 2
Digitalisation processes evaluation and support

Service 2
Innovative material protocol
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
New business model design

Service 2
Support to business plan development (for SMEs and startups)
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Market analysis

Service 2
Tests with pilot users

Service 3
Digital product and BIM Library

3D printing – Additive manufacturing for advanced material system
Ingrid Paoletti
Email: ingrid.paoletti@polimi.it
Eucentre Foundationwww.eucentre.itItalyEarthquake Engineering
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Development, integration or optimization of technologically advanced software tools in
the field of seismic and structural engineering and emergency management.

Service 2
Dynamic tests for the seismic qualification of non-structural plant elements.

Service 3
Qualification tests on structural bearings and anti-seismic.

Support for industrial product certification.

Fabio Germagnoli, General Director
Email: fabio.germagnoli@eucentre.it
Politecnico di Torinohttps://www.polito.it/imprese/index.php?lang=en;ItalyConstruction; Circularity & Recycling; Nature-Based Solutions
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Support for designing and producing building manufacts.

Service 2
Connection with research and development commissions of international organizations (ACI, fib, Rilem, …)
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
The following areas are involved in the experimental researches carried out in the laboratory:
– behavior of reinforced concrete structures and prestressed reinforced concrete subject to static, dynamic and cyclic loads;
– experiments on beam-column structural joints subject to alternating cyclic loads and on structural elements concrete, reinforced with innovative or fiber-reinforced materials;
– study of the constitutive laws of traditional and innovative building materials through different tests: uniaxial compression, uniaxial tension, shear, fracture energy, application of static and cyclic loads;
– non-destructive tests (coring, ultrasound, extraction, impact, etc.);
– seismic vulnerability assessments;
– assessment of structural safety in large span structures, such as bridges;
– dynamic identification of the structures for seismic assessment;
– tests to optimize the pre-qualification of structural materials;
– tests for the evaluation of durability;
– design and development of innovative structural monitoring systems;
– design and development of innovative methodologies for carrying out mechanical tests on materials and
structural elements;
– advanced numerical modeling in the structural field.
The Laboratory is the Force Section center of ACCREDIA LAT Calibration Laboratory n. 139 at the Polytechnic of Turin for the calibration of testing machines with 6 Accredia qualified technicians.

Service 2
The MASTRLAB of DISEG is an official laboratory that comply with Law 1086 of 5/11/1971 “Rules for reinforced concrete, normal and prestressed, and steel structures”. The Lab is based in the Department of Structural, Building and Geotechnical Engineering and occupies an area of about 2000 square meters on two floors. It is equipped with two strong floors with contrasting frames for testing structural elements, a workshop room for the production of manufacts, a climatic room for curing samples and specimens. The laboratory staff has decades of experience in performing laboratory tests according to standards and research activities. Technicians are also specialized in on-site tests aimed at characterizing and controlling existing structures and infrastructures.

Service 3
The Laboratory is equipped with universal testing machines with loading capacities ranging from 25 to 5000 kN, and with instruments capable of measuring force, deformation and displacements. It is also equipped with a test bench for carrying out multiaxial static tests on full-scale elements. The characterization of existing structures is provided through destructive, non-destructive, and semi-destructive techniques.
MASTRLAB asset includes:
– N. 4 MTS frame servo-hydraulic machines for static and dynamic tests with a capacity between 100 kN and 1000 kN
– N. 3 MTS servo-hydraulic actuators mounted on a bench for static and dynamic tests with a capacity between 250 kN and 1000 kN
– N. 4 static servo-hydraulic machines for testing materials with a capacity between 500 kN and 1800 kN.
– N. 1 frame for creep tests on 2500 kN prestressing bars.
– N. 1 electromechanical machine with a capacity of 25 kN.
– Frames for viscosity tests on concrete
– Hydraulic systems with jacks
– Multiple data acquisition systems for low and high frequency measurements.
– Strong floor 15×5 m for multiaxial tests on full scale structural elements
– Climatic room with controlled temperature and humidity
– Frame for corrosion tests under tension
– Accelerometers with sensitivity from 1V / g to 10V / g for onsite dynamic tests
– Acquisition systems for static and dynamic tests

Prof. Giuseppe Andrea Ferro
IAAC - Institute for Advanced Architecture of Cataloniahttps://iaac.net/
SpainConstruction; Additive Manufacturing; Nature Based Solutions; Circularity & Recycling Industries; Digital Industrial Sector
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Nature Base Solution, Participative Design, Circular Economy…

Service 2

Urban planning, Architecture, and building products…

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Technology Development
Computational Design, Big Data, Monitoring, Robotics, Digital Fabrication, 3DPrinting, AR, VR, Interactive installation…

Alexandre Dubor
Email: alex@iaac.net
CETIM Technological Centrehttps://cetim.es/SpainConstruction; Nature-Based Solutions; Circularity & Recycling; Digital Industry
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Development and validation of new additives and materials for building and construction, with a focus of Construction and Demolitions waste valorisation, including: Geopolymer cements, bio-based coatings, recycled materials from glass, ceramics, nonferrous waste, etc; reinforcing fibres from recycled waste, 3D printing of geopolymers and cement, …

Service 2
Water treatment systems for buildings including nature-based solutions, grey water treatment for reuse, water runoff treatment for reuse, …

Service 3
Digital twin and AI for managing construction sites, blockchain, Smart Sensors and its networks.

Physical-chemical and microbiologic analysis of materials, soil, and water. Life Cycle, Life Cost Cycle and Social Life Cycle Assessment
Adrián Prol
Email: aprol@cetim.es
+34 687 37 12 33
ENPC - École des Ponts ParisTechhttp://www.enpc.frFrance3D Printing; Circularity & Recycling; Digital Industry; Additive Manufacturing
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1

3D printing:
– Large-scale prototyping and 3D concrete printing within our facilities (2, 2M robot)
– Eco-friendly materials (clay, geopolymers)
– Structural systems for 3D printing
– Process simulation

Service 2

Circularity and Recycling:
– Life Cycle Analysis of digital fabrication and manufacturing
– BIM and Design for Reuse
– Automation of LCA in parametric modelling

Service 3

Digital Industry:
– Structural optimization and form-finding
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1

3D Printing:
– Knowledge of various technologies and key industry players. Participation to technical committees of international associations (RILEM, etc.)
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1

Additive Manufacturing:
– Know-how on materials and technologies, as well as experience with industrial applications. Possibility to perform feasibility studies.
Charlotte HUBER
Email: charlotte.huber@enpc.fr
Inetum Cataloniahttps://www.inetum.com.es/es/index.htmlSpainResearch & Innovation; Business & IT Innovation Solutions; Business & IT Consulting; IT Managed Services; IT Projects
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Solutions Design

Service 2
Proposals Management

Service 3
Co-creation and Collaboration

We cover all product life cycle (from the design to production and maintenance)

IPR Analysis

Service 1
Intellectual property (IP) research services like patent research, analytics, valuations

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Help Desk

Service 2
Customer IT Services

Service 3
Managed IT Services

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Technology Scouting

Service 2
Emergent Scouting

Service 3
Digital Ecosystem

Wide network of alliances and company agreements with manufacturers

Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Knowledge and technology transfer

Service 2
Consulting and management for IT integrations, merging and split-off of companies

Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Business Model consulting and elaboration (multi-sector and international)

Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Market Research and Services Solution

Daniel Lopez
Email: daniel.lopez-fernandez@inetum.com
BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfunghttps://www.bam.deGermanyResearch and Testing
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Design of research applications (including state-of-art analysis) for the development of innovative ideas together with SMEs

Service 2
Proof of concept / lab testing and prototype development and testing within joint research projects

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Mechanical testing of building materials and components over all scales including resistance against dynamic loads (explosion, impact)

Service 2
Assessment of the fire resistance of building materials from ignitibility over fire developing to full fire and of the fire resistance of facade elements in real-life tests

Service 3
Development of customized test set-ups ranging from bench scale up to scale 1:1

– Resistance of building materials and facade elements to weathering, soiling, chemical attack, and combined loads
– Development of functionalized and bio receptive facades

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Design of research applications (including state-of-art analysis) for the development of innovative ideas together with SMEs

Service 2
Networking Activities

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Rogge
Email: andras.rogge@bam.de
EDERA Srl Impresa Socialehttps://www.edera.cityItalyConstruction
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Sustainable & Decarbonization strategies for construction
Service 2
Open innovation process among construction and manufacturing
Service 3
Modern Methods of Construction (offsite)
More +
Deep renovation strategy for large portfolio owners
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Stock buildings analysis and Clusterisation to support renovation strategy)
Service 2
Innovative construction projects technical-economical feasibility analysis
Service 3
Industrialized deep renovation
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Creation of innovative supply chains hybridising construction and manufacturing

Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Technical due diligence of innovative and sustainable construction methods

Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Deep renovation business models
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Market research on construction technologies

Thomas Miorin +393487067656
Email: thomas@edera.city
Officine Innovazione S.r.lhttps://www2.deloitte.com/it/it/pages/about-deloitte/topics/officine-innovazione---deloitte-italy---about.htmlItalyTECHNOLOGY, MEDIA & TELECOMMUNICATIONS
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Delivery of training activities in the field of innovation. Physical and virtual workshops, seminars, and training/information courses that could be scheduled and on demand (MOOCs vs Ad Hoc). Main topics will be: business modelling, business planning, competition analysis, go to market analysis, client analysis, branding e communication, innovation strategy and business evaluation.
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
SOLUTION SETUP: Support the client in the product design through market validation (e.g. survey, conjoint analysis, …)
Service 2
SOLUTION VALIDATION: Support the customer in the implementation of a proof of concept / MVP / pilot and validation of the technology in the laboratory (Deloitte network)
Service 3
SOLUTION SCALE-UP: Support the customer in the iterative process of product/service improvement together with market performance and feedback

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
ECOSYSTEM BUILDING: definition of the interaction and collaboration between the different actors of the innovation ecosystem in which the customer plays
Service 2
TECHNOLOGY BROKERAGE: Identification of possible technological solutions and market players, to understand which actions are more strategic for clients.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
TARGETING: overall contextualize the customer’s need and the desired one, profile the ideal target partner / technology and carry out market scouting.
Service 2
EVALUATION OF SYNERGIES: support for negotiating strategy planning and dialogue with the identified potential partner. Support in drafting and signing the Confidentiality Agreement and support for the continuation of the negotiation. Estimation of the value of the collaboration and quantification of the expected benefits. Support for the drafting and stipulation of the Letter of Intent
Service 3
DUE DILIGENCE AND CONTRACT AGREEMENT: Due diligence process and support for the formalization of the collaboration proposal: subject of the proposal, contractual and payment conditions, guarantees required by the parties and special clauses, temporal validity of the collaboration.

Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
BUSINESS MODEL SETUP: Support the client in the business model design through market validation (e.g. Business Model canvas, value proposition definition, …) and development of a preliminary business plan and operative model to evaluate the venture goals
Service 2
STRATEGIC MODEL PLANNING: Structuring the innovative strategy through the prioritization of business developments, construction of the Business case and development of the evolutionary Roadmap
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
MARKET ANALYSIS: Size the current market and future growth, identify trends, and the competitive landscape (Reference market analysis, Attackable opportunity spaces)
Service 2
BEST PRACTICE AND BENCHMARKING ANALYSIS: Analyze internationally successful case studies, through the definition of successful case studies, definition of the gap analysis and definition of potential business developments

Cristiano Camponeschi
Email: ccamponeschi@deloitte.it
Eraikunehttps://www.eraikune.com/SpainConstruction and Industry
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Modern Methods of Construction
Service 2
Sustainable & Decarbonization strategies for construction
Service 3
Innovative construction projects technical-economical feasibility analysis
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Drafting of reports and memories for project presentation
Service 2
Accompaniment in planning, management and administration of projects, as well as the task of processing applications for financing and economic grants
Service 3
Information and knowledge: Capture, filtering and exchange of information of interest. Surveillance system for partners and collaborators

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Sectoral representativeness and open dialogue: Putting associates in contact with agents of interest.
Service 2
Support in the identification of innovative technologies, partners, customers, trends and new markets
Service 3
Reference space for the identification, development and implementation of collaborative initiatives and projects of innovation and competitive improvement.
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Support and business development service to all member companies that make up the Value Chain
Service 2
Technological surveillance tasks, which facilitate the early detection of business opportunities for partner companies both in search of new lines of business and diversification strategies.
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Preparation of feasibility studies for a new business or the start-up of business projects and the promotion of public-private partnerships
Service 2
Market studies and dimensioning of the demand for new business proposals and projects with new value proposals.

Oscar Iñiguez Heras, Technical Director
Email: oscariniguez@eraikune.com
Metrica6 Ingeniería y Desarrollos S.L. -Metrica6https://www.metrica6.xyz/services//SpainR&D Product development // Smart cities // Innovation and business consultancy // Water
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Product/Service conceptualization and development
Service 2
Scalability analysis
Service 3
From idea to market roadmap
More +
IPR Analysis

Service 1
Patentability Analysis
Service 2
Freedom-to-Operate Analysis
Service 3
IPR Strategy

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Technology R&D
Service 2
Product development, prototyping, electronics, programming, etc.
Service 3

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Development, manufacturing and/or maintenance: BOM
Service 2
Business model key partners
Service 3
Benchmarking analysis
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
(As a part of other services)
Service 2
Public and private funding
Service 3
Alignment with company’s growth strategy. Internationalization
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Opportunities identification
Service 2
Business model CANVAS
Service 3
Marketing, pricing strategies, revenue models, etc.
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Market analysis. Customers profiling. Channels identification
Service 2
Benchmarking analysis and comparative advantages
Service 3
Eduardo Dueñas
Email: duenas@metrica6.es
CODEMbatlab.fr//FranceBuilding / Biobased materials
Innovation Mentoring

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
R&D of low-carbon (biobased, recycled, …) building materials (at lab and industrial scales, analyses, …)
Service 2
Environmental analysis & Eco-design of products (Life Cycle Analysis)
Service 3
Valorisation and transformation of biobased resources for materials

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Technological studies (choice of technologies, plant sizing, cost and cost price, …)
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Support for the structuring of sectors for building application (agricultural sector, …)
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Study on the disponibility of the resources (biobased, by-products, …)
Service 2
Market study (reachable market volume, cost price, strategy of the deployment strategy on the market, …)

Guillaume Delannoy
Email: delannoyguillaume@batlab.fr
Dipartimento ICEA - Università di Padovawww.dicea.unipd.it//ItalyCIVIL ENGINEERING HIGH FORMATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE
Innovation Mentoring
Technical Analysis and Assistance
Products and materials development
Construction Technologies development and assessment
Materials testing laboratory
Mechanical characterization and structural integrity.
Structural and physical-chemical characterization.
Structural monitoring and sensors
Numerical analyses and simulations
BIM implementation
Environmental impact analyses
Sustainability analyses
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Invention mentoring
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Products and materials development
Service 2
Construction Technologies development and assessment
Service 3
Materials testing laboratory
Mechanical characterization and structural integrity assessment
Structural and physical-chemical characterization
Structural monitoring and sensors
Numerical analyses and simulations
BIM implementation
Environmental impact analyses
Sustainability analyses

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Identification of partners or innovative technologies

Prof. Carlo Pellegrino
+39 049 827 5435
Email: direzione@dicea.unipd.it
Goodwill-managementhttps://goodwill-management.com///FranceConsultancy, Building, Climate, Low-tech, CSR, Circular Economy[/su_spoiler]
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Measure of the use value of a building
Service 2
Measure of the Environmental impact of a product/building/projet.
Service 3
Creation for Excel tool
Loraine Moiroud
Email: loraine.moiroud@goodwill-management.com
Universidad de VigoSpain
Innovation Mentoring

More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Descriptive data analysis and survey design and analysis.
Service 2
Predictive models of supervised learning.
Service 3
Machine learning
Neural Networks.

Mª Belén Rubio Armesto
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1

More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
3D printing service specialized in dense fluid materials, such as clay or biocomposites developping both hardware and software open source solutions.
Service 2
3D product development and on-demand digital fabrication manufacturing services

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1

Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1

Javier Pérez Contonente
Email: japi@jetclay.com
INSTITUT DE RECHERCHE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT (IRD)https://en.ird.frFrance and countries of the mediterranean and sub-tropical areas (Africa, South-America, South-East Asia)Scientific research, expertise, knowledge valorisation, technology transfer, education and training
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Inclusive cities : IRD’s scientific teams and their partners gather anthropologists, sociologists, economists and geographers, in capacity to study and analyze spontaneous urban innovations adapted to local conditions and promoted by the civil society such as temporary water tanks (Quito), privatized common courtyard (Abidjan), small independent waste collectors (Manila, Cairo, etc.).Service 2
TECHNOLOGY BROKERAGE: Identification of possible technological solutions and market players, to understand which actions are more strategic for clients.
Service 2
Safer towns and cities : To support decision-makers in the fight against health risks and natural hazards, entomologists, nutritionists, climatologists, volcanologists and geophysicists, geographers, anthropologists and sociologists from the IRD and their counterparts are working to develop prevention and control plans on the basis of their analyses. All of this work contributes to making cities safer places for everyone.
Service 3
Sustainable cities : Architects, urban planners, geographers and climatologists assess current policies, standards and regulations, as well as their implementation conditions, to enable cities in the South to make a transition towards sustainable urbanization. In particular, they seek to shed light on one question: should the urban fabric be densified, as in Rabat or Algiers, in order to optimize transport, space occupation, etc.? Or should it be spread out, to reduce the “heat island” effect, and allow the development of renewable energies (solar, wind, etc.)
Service 4
Greener Cities : IRD experts have resources and develop solutions designed for local agriculture and its constraints, notably through the study of soil pollution and the development of solutions for their treatment and better management, improved methods for the reuse of organic waste, the prevention of health risks related to the production and distribution of food products in the city, the assessment of biodiversity in urban areas, the engagement of participatory approaches with the inhabitants.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1

Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1

Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1

Email: laure.kpenou@ird.fr
Politecnico di Milano -
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
www.dica.polimi.itItalyConstruction; Circularity and Recycling; Innovative structural materials and solutions; Numerical modelling
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Support in the conception and the prototyping of innovative cement-based materials and structures
Service 2
Support in the development of sustainable innovation practices for construction
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Technical feasibility assessment
Service 2
Structural analysis comprising simplified practical approaches and advanced numerical simulations
Service 3
Experimental validation of construction materials and full-scale structural components, through the support of the testing infrastructures available at the Politecnico di Milano

Prof. Alberto Guadagnini
Email: alberto.guadagnini@polimi.it
CodeFlügel GmbH.https://codefluegel.com/leistungen/ https://codefluegel.com/referenzenAustriaConstruction, Industry, Health&Pharma, Energy, Education
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Support to develop or improve
new innovative products
Technical audits for innovative
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1

Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1

Claus Degendorfer
Tel.: +43 316 771074
Email: claus.degendorfer@codefluegel.com
Pumacy Technologies AGhttps://www.pumacy.deGermanyKnowledge Management
Data Analytics
Process Mining
Human-Robot Collaboration
Product Lifecycle Management
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
knowledge transfer consulting
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Development of search-based applications for field and machine data analytics
Service 2
Introduction / Implementation of Product Lifecycle Management and Building Information Management based on Autodesk and Dassault Software
Service 3
Implementation of near-body sensor systems and sensor fusion for human-robot collaborations
Implementation of artifical intelligence and machine learning solutions for predictive production and maintenance
Implementation of process mining solutions for production processes

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1

Toralf Kahlert
Tel.: 030-2216128-21
Email: toralf.kahlert@pumacy.de
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU)
Institut für Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau (IKI)
https://boku.ac.at/baunat/ikiAustriaExperimental investigations
3D printing
wood construction
fastening systems
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Robotic milling tests with wood by using different milling and sawing tools
Service 2
Experimental investigations for the use of collaborative robots with focus at the human-robot interaction
Service 3
Experimental investigations of the load bearing behaviour of 3D printed structurs made from plastic, concrete and other materials
Experimental investigations for the evaluation of the load bearing behaviour of construction parts made from wood, engineered wood products and concrete
Experimental investigations about the load bearing behaviour of non-metallic reinforced concrete elements
Experimental investigations with fastenings systems in wood and concrete

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1

Benjamin Kromoser
Tel: +43-664-3073076
Email: benjamin.kromoser@boku.ac.at
Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art - MATEhttps://buda.uni-mate.hu/hu/intezetek/tajepiteszeti-telepulestervezesi-es-diszkerteszeti-intezet/az-intezeten-belul-mukodoHungaryNature-Based Solutions
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
The provision of recommendations regarding the ratio of substrates to e used in the planting media.
Service 2
SOLUTION VALIDATION: Support the customer in the implementation of a proof of concept / MVP / pilot and validation of the technology in the laboratory (Deloitte network)
Service 3
The supervision and coordination of the injection of nitrogen-binding, soil-dwelling bacteria into the planting media.

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1

Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1

Dr. László Orlóci
EMIhttps://www.emi.hu/EMI/web.nsf/Pub/index_en.htmliHungaryAll sectors
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Innovation Mentoring

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Technical Assessment of the performance of mainly new and innovative construction products.
Service 2
On-site and laboratory tests
Service 3
Product and factory production control certification
Fire prevention certificates on conformity
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Identification of partners or innovative technologies
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Due diligence on potential partners or innovative technologies
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1

Dr. Károly Matolcsy
Email: kmatolcsy@emi.hu
TERRA GARDEN KFTwww.okotech.euHUNGARYNature-Based Solutions
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Production of test tables.
Service 2
Mixing the planting medium for green roof modular trays.
Service 3
Planting sedums. Injection of nitrogen fixing bacteria into a soil mixture.
Plant care, weeding. Ongoing data reporting.

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1

Árpád Haskó
vertical farm institute GmbHhttps://www.verticalfarminstitute.comAustriaUrban Vertical Farming
Art, Architecture and Urban Design
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
The vertical farm institute provides standards in multidisciplinary basic research on fields including architecture, urban design and integration of CEA technology in buildings.
Service 2
The core of the competency of vfi is the implementation of CEA as a commercially viable integrated solution in buildings and urban design for future proof large scale food security and safety by addressing reasonable consumption of material and energy.
Service 3
Adaptation and development of new and existing building typology should provide decision making support for public and private institutions.
Service 4
The challenges for developing the CEA industry are global as well as local and need to be addressed in international scientific collaboration and the development of basic knowledge exchange with strategic stakeholders drawn from private industry.
More +
IPR Analysis

Service 1
Knowledge of diverse IP possible strategies, especially in cross-sectorial technology transfer
Service 2
Legal department in each business area
Service 3
Turnkey Solutions for Vertical Farms in planning process, especially demand planning
Holistic parametric energy simulations, on-site energy- and climate analysis

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Building analysis related to energetic potential (from solar potential to operative energy consumption) for indoor food production
Service 2
Provision for crop catalogue, crop rotation for year round food production related to urban- / building potentials (e.g. for refurbishment or changes of zoning / legislation plans)
Service 3
Recommendation and definition of specific cultivation- and production methods
We have knowledge in:
• Demand Planning
• Architecture
• Urban Energy Design
• Energetic simulations / CO2 eq integration (e.g. embodied energy)
• Individualization of energy concepts based on on-site specific
• Lighting systems (PAR-analysis / LED-products)
• Parametric software consisting as graphic algorithm
• Architectural Planning Processes

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Platform of long-term CEA partners
Service 2
Partners and suppliers validation and network
Service 3
Scientific and economic knowledge for yield estimations
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Products of partners and suppliers assessment
Service 2
Expertise in evaluation of innovative solutions
Service 3
Overall Energy concept evaluation, evaluation of power production potential
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Planning security through analysis of demand planning, architectural planning, needed experts and consultants (building / construction related)
Service 2
Design diversification related to specific localized climate data (form follows energy), operative energy incl. forecasting energy demand through climate change
Service 3
Support to adapt on future challenges of urban climate, energy demand (building related), new business opportunities, new markets
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Comparative studies of existing market potential analysis
Service 2
Comparative studies between own research results and similar study results

Döblergasse 2/17
1070 Vienna
+43 664 498 43 73
Alessandro Tassinarihttps://alessandrotassinari.comItalyDigital Industry, Construction
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Advanced design processes integration for Computational Design and Generative Design
Service 2
Automation, robotics and 4.0 technologies for the Construction Industry
Service 3
Digital Fabrication, Robotic production, onsite and offsite operation planning, small scale and large scale 3D printing processes
More +
Optimization of environmental friendly processes
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
R&D expertise in the area of digital fabrication, construction automation and computational design
Service 2
Design of innovative fabrication processes
Service 3
Design of novel processes for production, assembly and control of construction processes, both on-site and off-site

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Partner scouting to setup innovation projects for construction and automation technologies

Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Technology scouting and implementation proposal
Service 2
Support for proof of concept tests, design and implementations

Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1

Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1

Alessandro Tassinari
+39 3331289607
Email: contact@alessandrotassinari.com
Cluster Batiment du Futur Occitaniehttps://www.batimentfuturoccitanie.fr/FranceConstruction Sector, digital transformation, DRIM, Circular economy, Innovation
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Ideation process
Service 2
AMOA conduite de porjet innovant.
More +
IPR Analysis

Service 1
IP pré audit
Service 2
IP Analyse de l’existant

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Etudes techniques
Service 2
Etat de l’art / Mesure des écarts à la tradition

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Feedback on deployment of innovative solutions by cluster members: Réunions d chantier et retours de chantier ;
Service 2
Constitution de consortium répondant à des demandes d’ETI et Grands Groupes en matière d’innovatio
Service 3
Annuaire qualifié des membres
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Prequalification de solutions innovates
Service 2
Promotion cross secteur : construction et spatial

Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Hackathon Défi de la construction 2022
Service 2
Accompangement élaboation de plan d’affaire
Service 3
préparation levée de fonds
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Etudes de marché ; et faisabilité économique de projets innovants

Frederic DAUMAS
0033 613 822 035
Email: frederic.daumas@batimentfuturoccitanie.fr
POLE CRISTALhttps://www.pole-cristal.fr/ FranceRessource de R&D externalisée -
Innovation appliquée aux composants, équipements et systèmes thermiques du bâtiment -
Chauffage, Ventilation , Climatisation, Eau Chaude Sanitaire, systèmes de récupération et transfert de chaleur - Pompe à chaleur, Climatiseur, chauffe-eau thermodynamique, VMC double-flux, Multi-services
R&D outsourcing -
Applied innovation on components, equipments and thermal systems for the building sector -
Heating, Ventilation , Air conditioning, Domestic Hot Water, Heat recovery and Heat transfer systems - Heat pumps, Air conditioners, Domestic Hot Water Heat Pumps, Heat recovery ventilation , Multi-functions systems
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
‘Conception et essais de prototype (Prototype development
Service 2
Démonstration par preuve de concept et essais (Proof of concept/lab testing)
Service 3
Expertise technologies et infrastructure specialises pour modulization, analyse et validation (Technology expertise and specialized facilities for modelling, analysis and validation)
Accès à informations et réseaux spécialisés (Access to information and specialise networks)

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Veille technologique sur composants, produits et systèmes (technologic watch on components, Product and systems)
Service 2
Bibliographie scientifique (scientific bibliography)
Service 3
Accès à un réseau professionnel et universitaire (Professionnal and academic network access)
Identification de projets ou de partenaires référents complémentaires (identification of complementary referring projects or partners)
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Veille technologique sur composants, produits et systèmes (technologic watch on components, products and systems)
Service 2
Bibliographie scientifique (scientific bibliography)
Service 3
Evaluation de solutions technologiques (technologic benchmark)
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Elaboration of Market Studies


Mathieu GUIET
Email: m.guiet@pole-cristal.tm.fr
Partner srlwww.partnerconsul.com/ ItalyManufacturing industry in general (especially Food and Beverage, Mechanics, Fashion, Furniture, Technology)
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Technical assistance for “Transizione 4.0” plan (Industry 4.0)
Service 2
Project management of the digital transition
Service 3
Business model review in a 4.0 key
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Technical assistance for funding under regional, national and UE calls
Service 2
Advisoring and project management Service 3

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
ECOSYSTEM BUILDING: definition of the interaction and collaboration between the different actors of the innovation ecosystem in which the customer plays
Service 2
TECHNOLOGY BROKERAGE: Identification of possible technological solutions and market players, to understand which actions are more strategic for clients.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1

Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Business model review and implementation
Service 2
Business planning and feasibility studies
Service 3
Design and support in the implementation of restructuring plans for business networks
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Design and implementation of marketing plans, research and market studies
Service 2
Competitor analysis
Fabio Gregori (consultant for innovation, R&D, digital transition)
Email: f.gregori@partnerconsul.com
Fibres-Energiviehttp://www.fibres-energivie.eu/en FranceTechnical analysis and assistance, Identification of partners or innovative technologies
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
BIM services: https://services.fibres-energivie.eu/domaines/transition-numerique/
Virtual construction space, collaborative platform, BIM development, BIM asset management, BIM construction…
Service 2
Removing regulatory obstacles: https://services.fibres-energivie.eu/domaines/lever-freins-reglementaires/
– Methodological and strategic support for obtaining technical assessments for building innovations
– Technical-regulatory diagnosis of innovations to guarantee their insurability
Service 3
Environmental transition: https://services.fibres-energivie.eu/domaines/transition-ecologique/
– Assistance to the project owners: Valorization of building wastes & Circular building
– Eco-innovation strategy and market workshops, diagnosis
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Support for collaborative R&D projects, https://services.fibres-energivie.eu/domaines/innovation/
A team of project managers with expertise in the fields of building, energy, materials and the circular economy
More than 10 years of support in setting up collaborative R&D projects. Teams experienced in collaborative innovation
An open door to a vast network of skills in the region, in France and on a European scale
Service 2
Drafting of an application file for R&D project calls: https://services.fibres-energivie.eu/offres/redaction-dun-dossier-de-candidature-aux-appels-a-projets-de-rs/
– The structuring of the project, the articulation between the different phases for a maximum of coherence
– Drafting the application document and compiling the various administrative documents
– Support for the project’s labeling by our Innovation Council in order to show the official support of our Competitiveness Cluster to the funding agencies,
Service 3
Assistance in setting up the project: https://services.fibres-energivie.eu/offres/accompagnement-aux-projets-collaboratifs-de-rd/
Recommendations on its economic, scientific and organizational viability and intellectual property.
Choice of the call(s) for projects as well as the main funding windows you can access.
Labeling of the project by the Fibres-Energivie cluster : A technical-economic evaluation of the project that focuses on:
– the technical aspects (R&D)
– the set-up (quality of the consortium)
– the evaluation of the economic benefits in terms of turnover, employment, adequacy with market expectations
– the relevance of the intellectual property
– choice of the call(s) for projects as well

Philippe Jordan
+33 6 73 41 65 86
Email: Philippe.Jordan@fibres-energivie.eu
1001 Clefhttps://1001clef.fr/ France & Pays FrancophoneInnovation / NTIC
Industrie 4.0 / Digitalisation
Environnement / ODD / RSE / Impact positif
Levée de fonds / Financements alternatifs / Finance durable
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Accélération de Projets : Identifier, qualifier et piloter les partenaires / ressources indispensables à l’avancement d’un projet spécifique
Service 2
Façonnage d’Écosystèmes : Enrichir, structurer et animer l’écosystème d’une structure ou entité pour préparer ses futurs actions /opérations

Nicolas MILLE
Itecons - Institute for Research and Technological Development in Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainabilityhttps://www.itecons.uc.pt/services / PortugalConstruction, Energy and water efficiency, Circularity & Recycling, Digital innovation; Nature-based solutions
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
LABORATORY TESTS – Itecons offers a wide range of tests under the scope of Accreditation (EN ISO/IEC 17025) in different fields: Engineering materials; Machinery, structures and products; Physics and mechanics; Acoustics and Vibrations; Higrothermics; Electrical and burning appliances; Electronics; Hydraulic; Chemistry; Environment; Durability; Fire testing; Indoor Air Quality; Bituminous materials; Concrete and mortars; Adhesives and sealants; Paints and Varnishes; Metals and metallic alloys; Aggregates, natural stones; Windows, doors and exterior cladding, Construction and demolition waste; etc.
Service 2
CONSULTANCY – Itecons offers a wide range of consultancy services in multidisciplinary areas: Design, analysis, and optimisation of complex engineering projects; Modeling and numerical simulation of mechanical, higrothermal, vibrational, and hydraulic phenomena, Computational fluid dynamics, Structural safety assessment, Energy and water efficiency studies, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and preparation of environmental product declarations (EPD), Factory production control, etc.
Service 3
CE MARKING – Itecons is a Technical Assessment Body entrusted by the European Commission to adopt European Assessment Documents and issue European Technical Assessments, under the Construction Products Regulation. Itecons supports manufacturers in the CE marking of their products either via the harmonized standard or through the European Technical Assessment. Itecons is a member of the European Organization for Technical Assessment (EOTA) in construction products, as well as the Portuguese Group of Notified Bodies.
More +
ADVANCES R&D SERVICES – Itecons has a differentiated technical team with vast experience in R&D: Identification of research opportunities, including support with preparing grant proposals; Modelling and simulation of highly complex and multidimensional phenomena; Identification of measures to improve resource management, increase energy and water efficiency, and reduce environmental impacts; Application of Eco-design and Life Cycle methodologies targeting a more circular and more sustainable economy; Assessment of the release of hazardous substances by new materials and systems; Evaluation of chemical and biological resistance of new materials and systems; Inspections of highly complex structures, particularly through advanced monitoring systems; Assessment and identification of climate change adaptation measures; etc.
João Vieira
Email: joao.vieira@itecons.uc.pt
EuroConsult SOC. COOP.http://www.euroconsult.it/aree-di-intervento/ItalyBusiness Consulting
Local Development
Training & Quality
International Cooperation
Export and internationalization
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1 – company diagnosis
our role is to assess the performance of various SME’s and determine reasons for underperformance. With years of experience in all areas of business management, the consultants at JBA and Partner can provide professional service and provide recommendations that will help sustain operations
Service 2 – Organizational analysis
We provide an assessment of external elements that can influence the performance of an organization. Our organizational analysis also includes strategically evaluating an organization’s potential and resource base.
Service 3 – International marketing plan
We provide marketing plan details the outreach and PR campaigns to be undertaken over a period, including how the company will measure the effect of these initiatives. The functions and components of a marketing plan include the following:
– Market research to support pricing decisions and new market entries;
– Tailored messaging that targets certain demographics and geographic areas;
– Platform selection for product and service promotion: digital, radio, Internet, trade magazines, and the mix of those platforms for each campaign;
– Metrics that measure the results of marketing efforts and their reporting timelines;
More +
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1 – Market analysis
quantitative and qualitative assessment of a market. We consider both volume and value, the various customer segments and buying patterns, the competition, and the economic environment in terms of barriers to entry and regulation.
Service 2- Planning of b2b-market test
Thanks to our background experience, we worked on a six steps model b2b market test which give a realistic overview on the target market to our clients.
Service 3 – Temporary export management
Our consultants have a strong experience in international marketing and sales . Their work focuses on helping a company develop and improve its overseas sales by seeking new clients.
Euroconsult’s Temporary Export Manager identifies and acquires new clients, handles sales negotiations and monitors the clients that have been acquired.
DOtt. Pietro Lisacchi
Phone: +39 93522599
Email: lisaacchi.euroconsult@gmail.com
Materials & Products
Enveloppes and components
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Support in the adoption of an inclusive approach to the application of BIM tools and the most innovative technologies in the intervention and management processes of existing and future buildings, favoring collaboration between all the players in the supply chain, implementing the technologies and acquisition procedures, integration, modeling, representation and extraction of integrated digital data to support intervention management processes.
Service 2
Implementation of computerized, digital and integrated archives and consultancy in the exploitation of available data
Digital readiness assessment and following action plan
More +
Digital Maturity Index benchmarking
IPR Analysis

Service 1
IPR assessment (patents, trademarks, designs) aimed to define IPR strategies.

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Building and urban survey: BIM, HBIM, GIS data, UAV photogrammetry, 3D laser scanning, analytical photogrammetry, space photogrammetry, digital photogrametry. Equipment: laser scanner, UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), total station
Service 2
Geotechnical & infrastructural engineering: Underground Monitoring System, Landslide monitoring, Tunnel monitoring, rock mechanics and rock engineering evaluation, structural and functional pavement evaluation. Equipment: for pavement evaluation
Service 3
Building Physics: Energy audit, Architectural acoustic evaluation/monitoring, Environmental acoustics evaluation/monitoring, Fire safety engeneering evaluation/monitoring, Fluid dynamic simulation. Equipment: acoustic environment simulation software, ambient noise simulation software
Service 4
Hydraulics: physical models of hydraulic works, residual risk scenarios, hydrological-hydraulic analysis, hydrological models. Equipment: variable slope drainage channel…
Service 5
Building Structures: modeling for existing reinforced concrete buildings, fracture damage diagnosis, structural integrity assessment, finite elements analysis, structural optimisation, fracture and fatigue repair optimisation, composite materials optimization, degradation assessment of building surfaces, mechanical tests on building materials, static and fatigue tests, seismic simulation, structural wind simulation. Equipment: static materials test systems, universal concrete compression testing machine,
core drill, Casagrande method equipment (motorised), triaxial testing equipment for soil, vibratory sieve shaker, penetrometer, servo-hydraulic testing machine (25kN-250k), “Rolling Thin Film” machine, rotational viscometer.
More +
Architecture: indoor /outdoor hygrothermal measurement, indoor /outdoor hygrothermal assessment, indoor /outdoor environmental modeling, indoor / outdoor thermal comfort assessment, daylight assessment, historical building analyisis, structural strengthening assessment, fractures and stability assessment in ancient buildings, geometrical survey, seismic vulnerability analysis, seismic reinforcement, structural restoration, structural monitoring. Equipment: laser scanner, crack meter and dataloggers, endoscope, drone
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Identification of subjects to be qualified as partners capable of bringing innovation and / or innovative technologies to the construction industry but also to the public sector (Enterprises, SMEs and innovative Startups, public and private research centers, innovators)
Service 2
Scouting, documentation and valorisation of best practices and qualified use cases of relevant scientific interest
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Starting from the needs of the applicant, we evaluate the correspondence of products, technologies and innovative solutions proposed by partners / suppliers
Service 2
Audit and comparative / benchmark analysis

Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Support in the elaboration of BPs for corporate reorganization projects, Startups and SMEs
Service 2
Support in identifying new business models resulting from product and / or process innovation actions
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Identification, analysis and interpretation of the information crucial for the success of companies in order to accompany them, step by step, in the development of a tailor-made market strategy
Service 2
Competition study and analysis, market research, customer satisfaction and market test
Service 3
Operational implementation of market studies through a Temporary Marketing Management service
Barbara GHERRI
+39 (0)5 21 90 59 56
Email: barbara.gherri@unipr.it
CTIC TECHNOLOGY CENTREhttps://www.fundacionctic.org/en/technologies/SPAINConstruction, Digital Industry, Energy, Metal, Agrifood sector
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Digital transformation and Innovation assessment.
Service 2
Design of innovation strategies and roadmaps based on digital technologies
Service 3
Support in the design of innovative products, services and processes, based on digital technologies.

More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Assistance (support, consultancy, proof of concepts) in the adoption of enabling technologies for digital transformation:
• Web of Things (WoT): Design of IoT and data acquisition applications and systems; Development and integration of ad-hoc drivers and devices; Management and operation of fleets with a large number of devices; Piloting experiments on Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT); Edge Computing; Integration of AI-based processing capabilities in the edge (Edge AI); Cloud Computing
• Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: Big Data Architectures; Computer Vision; Data Analytics; Design and development of AI algorithms; Machine Learning for the Web (W3CWebML)
• Inmersive Technologies: Development of highly inmmersive environments, by using Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality (Extended Reality); Inmersive web (W3C WebXR); Interactive Data Visualization; Digital Twins.
• Standardization and Open Data: Data Modelling and Schemes (Semantic Web); Data Interoperability (W3C standards); Open Data, Accesibility.
• Blockchain: Traceability solutions.
• Cybersecurity.
Service 2
Access to infrastructure:
• CTIC DATA HUB: Innovation data space for experimentation (proof of concepts/pilots) in arquitctures and solutions, based on shared data.
• INDUSTRY 4.0 Laboratory:
– Blockchain zone with user prototypes for several use cases (heavy machinery maintenance/support, automotive industry counterfeiting prevention, agro-food product traceability)
– Immersion zone (Cube), used for experimentation and demonstrations of vision technologies and the recreation of industrial environments.
– Visualization zone (Control Panel), where the user interfaces can be visualized to monitor the processes/operations carried out in the developed cyberphysical systems.
– Interaction zone (VR), where different interaction tests with virtual environments can be performed using different techniques: depth cameras, wearable sensors, VR sensors, etc.
– Experimental zone, which includes a set of devices for demonstrating connected environments.
• WoTO PLATFORM ©CTIC: A platform for data processing and visualisation in the context of IoT
• QUTE Platform: Infrastructure for simulation in quantum computing.
Service 3
Industry 4.0 Strategy Consulting Services, to facilitate companies in their digital transformation processes towards the new Connected Industry 4.0 paradigm.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
• Identification of most suitable digital technologies for innovative projects.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
• Human-AI collaboration and interaction: Explores relevant features consider on human-AI collaboration in real-world toward responsible product/tool design and research processes on or around AI systems interacting specially focus on UX and Augmented Intelligence.
• Risks associated with emerging technologies: Recognize and responsibly manage the wide risks resulting from the adoption and implementation of emerging technologies to avoid harm and undesirable negative outcomes.
• Ethic, Transparency and Privacy: Explores the principles governing the ethical use of AI. We address the topic by integrating fairness, transparency, privacy, trustworthiness, and accountability into best practices through rigorous research and multi-stakeholder processes.

Pablo Coca

Email: pablo.coca@fundacionctic.org
CD2Ehttps://cd2e.com/FranceEconomie Circulaire, Batiment Durable, Energies Renouvelables
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Batiment Durable:
Gestion de l’énergie et construction passive
Qualité environnementale et confort
BIM et bâtiment intelligent
Service 2
Energies renouvelables:
Accompagnement dans la mise en œuvre de projets solaire thermique ou photovoltaïque
Expertise technique
Montée en compétence par le biais de formations
Mise en relation avec les professionnels du solaire
Centre de ressources
Service 3
Economie Circulaire:
Éco-conception et (ACV) : analyse du Cycle de Vie d’un produit d’une entreprise
Fiche de déclaration environnemental et sanitaire (FDES)
Réemploi et recyclage des déchets du bâtiment
Massification de l’usage des matériaux biosourcés dans la construction
Structuration de filières (paille, chanvre, lin notamment)
More +
Achat Public durable
Valorisation des sédiments fluviaux et marins
Gestion durable de la ressource eau
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Etude bibliographique, Veille technologique et réglementaire
Cyril Scribot

Email: c.scribot@cd2e.com
PRESCRIPLUShttps://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-combeau-prescriplus/FranceInnovation mentoring, Technical analysis and assistance, Identification of partners or innovative technologies
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Supporting Digital Innovation Heroes in Construction
Service 2
Business Development – HR – Invest
Service 3
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Services for innovation and technology transfer
Service 2
Information and advice in Building innovation
Service 3
International support and accompaniment
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Support innovation and digital transformation for building and real estate players.
Service 2
Connect key accounts and start-ups to facilitate synergies
Service 3
Move forward in a pack to sell more

Email: eric.combeau@free.fr
Almaterehttps://almatere.fr/FranceInnovation mentoring, Identification of partners or innovative technologies, Elaboration of cross-sectoral business models/plans, Elaboration of market studies
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Innovation process, Governance and KPIs,
Service 2
Eco-design support
Service 3
Change management and commitment of management teams and employees
More +
Support on the definition and implementation of sustainable marketing positioning: low carbon, bio-based and circular economy;
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Demonstrator project monitoring, technical evaluation procedures for innovative projects
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Research of partners or influencers, organization of consortiums
Service 2
Project set-up and allotment
Service 3
Finance research
More +
Project co-ordinator

Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Development of business models that integrate environmental, social and economic value creation
Service 2
cross-sectoral collaborations, among firms, governmental and civil society actors to address the systemic nature of sustainability
Service 3
Value analysis, lean construction,
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Market intelligence, Benchmark, Anticipation of market changes
Service 2
Identification of potential applications and markets,
Service 3
Go-to-market strategy, Prescription and influence, Press relations
Corinne Arpin

Email: corinne.arpin@almatere.fr
HAL Roboticshttps://hal-robotics.com/United KingdomRobotics, Software, Integration, Construction Industry, Civil engineering
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Robotic Expertise
Service 2
Software integration)
Service 3
Robotic cell simulation and software integration
HAL Robotics Framwork (in house technology and software solution)

Tristan Gobin

Email: t.gobin@hal-robotics.com
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Thermoplastic compounding ( from lab scale to several kg/h)
Service 2
spinning (melt and wet spinning from lab scale to semi-industrial scale)
Service 3
Manufacturing of composites materials ( infusion process, filament winding, …
3D printing

Email: jestin@plateforme-canoe.com
IPN Incubadora https://www.ipn.pt/incubadora/PortugalIncubation: Business Planning, Strategic Consultancy, Financing/Investment seeking, Accountancy/fiscal planning, National and Internationa ecosystem
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Promote access to the scientific and technological system and a wide range of services facilitating the startup process and entrance to the market through training in technical and management areas and contact with national and international markets
Service 2
Organisation of business idea acceleration programmes and activities to foster internal innovation for companies and other organisations.
Service 3
Access to specialized consultants in several areas (management, investment, marketing, taxes, market strategy, technologies, quality, among others)
Coordination and participation in European and national projects
IPR analysis

Service 1
Intellectual property and legal assistance (for example technology transfer contracts, patents or brands registration)
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Through IPN’s Applied Research Labs: https://www.ipn.pt/laboratorios
Service 2
Through Regional Ecosystem: University of Coimbra, Politechnical Institute of Coimbra, Rede de Incubadoras da Região Centro
Service 3
Through National Ecosustem: Rede Nacional de Incubadoras, TecParques

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Access and contact with several national and international research centres, knowledge institutions and funding sources, etc
Service 2
Privileged access to knowledge sources from the University of Coimbra
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Access and contact with several national and international research centres, knowledge institutions and funding sources, etc
Service 2
Privileged access to knowledge sources from the University of Coimbra
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Business Model Canvas
Service 2
Business Plan
Ana Seguro
+351 911 990773

Email: aseguro@ipn.pt
ELOGIA MEDIA SLwww.elogia.net/
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Innovation strategy consulting – Innovation is now a top priority for most business leaders and companies. Our work is focused on identifying, developing, and implementing the most valuable capabilities for companies and organizations and set the relevant skills on a company to accomplish with nowadays technology requirements to be competitive and growth driven to escalate in most demanding markets.
Service 2
Innovation management consulting – Once the strategic goals are defined, we incur in a systematic process of organizing innovative practices throughout the enterprise. Innovation management can give rise to a creative and technology based culture where innovative ideas are generated on a continuing basis. It can also ensure complex, large-scale innovation objectives and lead them into relevant goals that companies can focus on.
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Technology driven – consulting services, analysis, selection and implementation of best suitable technology with respect to a specific need.
Service 2
Technology brokering – Intersection of multiple embedding systems that can be used to create breakthrough innovations in other markets
Service 3
Project Management – Planning and implementation of technological solutions with multiple skilled teams to provide our clients with the ready-to-use solutions

Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Market Research and benchmark analysis – In order to guarantee a better fit solution and market driven approach to our clients, we can deliver and elaborate accurate market research studies as we have an specialized Research team in Elogia

Roger Regales
Almendra Medeiros Consultores Lda.www.almendramedeiros.ptPortugalIP counsel and legal assistance
Alexandra Almendra

Email: aa@almendramedeiros.pt
Ceremahttps://www.cerema.fr/fr/activites/batimentFranceConstruction : le Cerema accompagne les acteurs de la construction et les gestionnaires de patrimoines immobiliers depuis sa conception jusqu'à la seconde vie du bâtiment tout en travaillant à la maintenance des équipements. Nous intégrons tous les leviers techniques, de conception et de qualité d'usage, pour penser et mettre en œuvre la construction neuve et le bâti existant, en lien avec les objectifs de transition écologique.
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
matériaux géo et bio sources
Service 2
Performance environnementale et énergétique
Service 3
Economie de la construction, montage juridique
Service 4
Qualité de l’air , confort et ventilation du bâtiment
More +
Bâtiment numérique
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Analyses techniques (structure, matériaux, risques, …

Service 2
Matériaux écologiques et biosourcés, construction durable

Service 3
Performance environnementale et énergétique

Economie de la construction, montage juridique , ualité de l’air , confort et ventilation du bâtiment
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Matériaux écologiques et biosourcés, construction durable
Service 2
caractérisation de matériaux et de structures
Service 3
Economie de la construction, montage juridique

Service 4
Bâtiment numérique

odile Dubois

Email: odile .dubois@cerema.fr
lamoureux & ricciotti
http://lamoureux-ricciotti.com/FranceStructural engineering
Construction, Architecture and Urban
Industrial Design
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Research and Support for Innovative structural materials and solutions
Service 2
Development of structural design for industrial works
Service 3
Development of innovative processes ( such as prototyping, simulation, production monitoring, audits, diagnostics…)
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Structural analysis comprising simplified practical approaches and advanced numerical simulations
Service 2
Civil engineering works from Technical feasibility assessment
Service 3
Project management including technical, fiscal and BIM aspects

Romain Ricciotti
co-lead manager
+33 (0)4 94 94 80 12

Email: romain.ricciotti@lring.fr

Madame Marie Sophie VILLAIN (Siret : 804 932 978 000 39)FranceArchitecture/ Interior Design / Interior product selection / Market and Trend analysis/Fitting out management
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Test Fit and detail Space Planning
Service 2
Project specification and details design
Service 3
Creative designer/ catalogue creation
… Fitting out contractors management
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Interior Product manufacturers identification and selection
Service 2
Adaptable interior product identification ( Partition system , operable wall, Pod system, Lighting, Ceilling , raised floor and Carpet )
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Workplace solutions analysis
Service 2
Furniture and construction product trend analysis

Marie Sophie VILLAIN

Email: villain.mariesophie@gmail.com

Bois HDwww.boishd.frFrance
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Accompagnement de projets collaboratifs
Service 2
Accompagnement de projets individuels d’innovation
Idéation, Conception de sollutions
Workshop d’innovation collaborative
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Simulation numérique
– mécanique par éléments finis
– acoustique
– thermique
Service 2
Caractérisation de produits et systèmes :
Essai Mécanique en laboratoire ou en grandeur réelle
Essai d’Infiltrométrie (AEV)
Essai de Viellissement
Essai aux Chocs
certains essais étant sous accréditation qualité
Laboratoire reconnu Organissme Notifié (Notified Body)
Service 3
Essai Mécanique en laboratoire
Essais Infiltrométrie (AEV)
Formation Continue inter ou intra entreprises
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Réalisation d’audits internes
Service 2
Réalisation de Cahier des Charges
Mise en place de prodécure ou mode opératoires
Service 3
Accompagnement à la transformation industrielle

Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Analyse de marché construction
Service 2
Veille réglementaire ou spécifique

Aude Frédéricque
+33 6 10 19 63 48
Email: aude.fredericque@boishd.fr
Patentreehttp://www.patentree.eu/PortugalConsultancy, Construction, Digital, Industry, Circularity, Manufacturing
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Potential IPR scouting, IP scanning, IPR strengthning.
IPR analysis

Service 1
Patent clearance, including patent searches, FTO reports, patentability analysis, among others.
Service 2
IP scanning, including technology scouting, due dilligence, IPR portfolio alignment.
Service 3
IP Transactional, including assisting in IPR transferrals, advising on legal aspects of IP transactions, namely licensing and royalty agreements.

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Full IPR prosecution, namely patents and trademarks, at national, European and international levels, including opposition and litigation support.

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
IPR landscaping, including active parties, new entrants, and exits, emerging technology fields and commercialization targets.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
IPR assessment, including technology novelty, due diligence, and IPR portfolio verification.
Luís Ferreira
+33 6 10 19 63 48
Email: info@patents.pt
UX-KEYhttps://ux-key.com/FranceTechnical analysis and assistance :
Analyse comportement utilisateurs pour solutions SAAS et à destination de :
propriétaires de logiciel / UX-DESIGNER / Industriel
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
AUDIT ERGONOMIQUE : Nous analysons les comportements de vos utilisateurs afin de valider vos points forts et identifier vos axes d’amélioration
ERGONOMIC AUDIT: We analyse the behaviour of your users in order to validate your strengths and identify your areas for improvement
Service 2
MESURE DE L’EVOLUTION : La rétention s’accroit avec le niveau d’expertise de vos visiteurs. Mesurez l’évolution du comportement de vos utilisateurs
MEASUREMENT OF EVOLUTION: Retention increases with the level of expertise of your visitors. Measure the evolution of your users’ behavior
MEASUREMENT OF EVOLUTION: Retention increases with the level of expertise of your visitors. Measure the evolution of your users’ behavior
Service 3
PERFORMANCE DE PROTOTYPAGE : Validez vos hypothèses en visualisant le comportement de vos utilisateurs tests et optimisez la conception
PROTOTYPING PERFORMANCE: Validate your assumptions by visualizing the behavior of your test users and optimize the design
A/B TESTING : La mise en place de variantes vous permettra de voir quelle solution emporte l’adhésion de vos utilisateurs
A/B TESTING: The implementation of variants will allow you to see which solution wins the support of your users
Email: contact@ux-key.com
LURTIS RULES S.Lwww.lurtis.comSpainArtificial Intelligence Software Development applied to Architecture, Optimization for Engineering, Physical Simulations of AEC environments, 3D & XR Visualization
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
AI & Machine Learning tools and plugins for AEC
Service 2
Material & Energy Optimization
Service 3
Data Analytics for AEC
Ad-hoc software development based on Artificial Intelligence, 3D Visualization and Optimzation.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
150 Research publications in AI, ML and Optimization.
R&D activities in EU partnerships and Groups.
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
AI trending analytics in AEC
Luis Peña

Email: Luis.penya@lurtis.com
GebäudeGrün e.V. (BuGG)
GermanyBuilding greening (roof, facade, interior greening)
Green Infrastructure
Sustainable Construction
Architecture/ Landscape architecture
Urban planning and ecology
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Consultations and individual training on roof, facade and interior greening
Service 2
Supporting cooperation and project partners with funding and research applications
Service 3
Organisation of property tours and project visits
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Measurement of the peak runoff coefficient Cs for green roof structures according to the FLL Green Roof Guidelines and issuing of a test report

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Networking, exchange of experience and
information from all subject areas around roof, facade and interior greening (municipalities, universities, industry, planners, executing companies)
Service 2
Overview of ongoing research projects and latest developments in the building greening market
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Creation of concepts for public relations and advertising for building greening
Service 2
Creation of individual information brochures and flyers with the provision of company-neutral image material and graphics to building greening
Service 3
Organisation, implementation and follow-up of seminars, workshops and online events on general and specific topics related to building greening

Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Publication of current market figures for roof, facade and interior greening in Germany
Rebecca Gohlke

Email: rebecca.gohlke@bugg.de
Associação Fibrenamics - Instituto de Inovação Em Materiais Fibrosos e Compósitoshttps://www.fibrenamics.com/enPortugalEducation, Science and Technology, Innovation development
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Scientific and technical monitoring of students and researchers in the development of knowledge in the areas of engineering
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Accomplishment in mechanical, thermal, chemical characterization tests, among others, on fibrous and composite materials

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Sharing a network of contacts, involving different types of stakeholders (academy, industry and society), for the promotion of value chains for the development of innovative products
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Support in the development of business plans and product implementation in the market, through spin-offs
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Market studies and analysing trends and opportunities for innovation development, in the areas of mobility, personal protection, health, sports, among others, within the scope of fibrous and composite materials
Raul Fangueiro

Email: rfangueiro@det.uminho.pt

Fernando Cunha -

Email: fernandocunha@fibrenamics.com
IPN Incubadora https://www.ipn.pt/incubadoraPortugalIncubation: Business Planning, Strategic Consultancy, Financing/Investment seeking, Accountancy/fiscal planning, National and International ecosystem
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Promote access to the scientific and technological system and a wide range of services facilitating the startup process and entrance to the market through training in technical and management areas and contact with national and international markets
Service 2
Organisation of business idea acceleration programmes and activities to foster internal innovation for companies and other organisations.
Service 3
Access to specialized consultants in several areas (management, investment, marketing, taxes, market strategy, technologies, quality, among others)
More +
IPR Analysis

Service 1
Intellectual property and legal assistance (for example technology transfer contracts, patents or brands registration)
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Through IPN’s Applied Research Labs: https://www.ipn.pt/laboratorios
Service 2
Through Regional Ecosystem: University of Coimbra, Politechnical Institute of Coimbra, Rede de Incubadoras da Região Centro
Service 3
Through National Ecosustem: Rede Nacional de Incubadoras, TecParques

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Access and contact with several national and international research centres, knowledge institutions and funding sources, etc
Service 2
Privileged access to knowledge sources from the University of Coimbra
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Access and contact with several national and international research centres, knowledge institutions and funding sources, etc
Service 2
Privileged access to knowledge sources from the University of Coimbra
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Business Model Canvas
Service 2
Business Plan
Ana Seguro
+351 911 990773

Email: rfangueiro@det.uminho.pt

Fernando Cunha -

Email: aseguro@ipn.pt
Own Your Businesswww.ownyourbusiness.techEngland & ItalyInnovation technology,
Developement & Solution Blockchain
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Blockchain consulting: modular and adaptable methodologies to any business context, evaluating all the impacts related to the technology.
Service 2
Blockchain technology: assessment process,
Service 3
Compliance legal blockchain
More +
Professional and business education
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Development, integration or optimization of technologically advanced software blockchain: dApp, NFT, Smart Contract, Web 3.0, Metaverse
Service 2
Smart APi Blockchain: Our API solution helps you to integrate the Blockchain into processes and applications quickly and securely without changing users’ UX&UI and without distracting you from your business.
Service 3
e-BIM: Solution for the management of processes, data, documents and 3D models according to the ISO 16739-1: 2018 Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard in openAPI 3.0 and blockchain. The open IFC format allows independence from any authoring software vendor.
PluWEB 3.0
– Purchase your domain in Blockchain
– Bim + Blockchain = BIMChain The innovation of the BIMChain application is based on the integration of Blockchain technology with BIM methodology to create an environment for sharing, collaboration, distribution and consensus through the use of Smart Contracts.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Partner Program: Joining our Partner Program you can use Blockchain solutions in White Label in order to create new business models and digital applications in a fast way without any investments risks.
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Definition of the best Blockchain solution with a focus on technological, legal, business and process details, in line with the strategic objectives.
Service 2
Definition of the best Blockchain business model based on company’s need
Sara Straulino, R&D Blockchain Innovation,

Email: straulino@ownyourbusiness.tech
Dimensiona Consultoría
Tecnolóxica, S.L.
https://www.dimensiona.comSpainDigital industry, Innovation Consultancy,
Technological Consultancy, IT
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Service 1
More +
IPR analysis

Service 1
Service 2
Service 3

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Service 2
Service 3

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Service 2
Service 3
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Service 2
Service 3
Service 4
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Service 2
Service 3
Service 4
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Service 2
Service 3
Service 4
Ramón Rama Leis, CCO

Email: ramon.rama@dimensiona.com
CENTIMFEwww.centimfe.comPortugalMouldmaking, plastics, special tooling
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Elaboration of strategic plans
Service 2
Elaboration of studies/support to assess the impact of investment
More +
IPR analysis

Service 1
IP support office…
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Product design and development, automation
Service 2
Numerical simulation in the fields of solid mechanics (structural analysis) and computational fluid dynamics
Service 3
Additive manufacturing of polymers (SLS, FDM and others) and metals (SLM), machining, Product Certification; Company Quality Certification
Life-Cycle Assessment, Circularity Indicators, Sustainability Metrics, Eco-Design, Materials machining

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Networking services
Service 2
Participation in Fairs / Missions
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Networking service.
Service 2
Support for the preparation of sustainability reports – ESG
Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Work sessions for cross-fertilization between companies
Service 2
Support on Workshops and Conferences organization
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Technological and Prospective Studies
Service 2
Dynamization of Technological Roadmaps
Service 3
Competitive and Prospective Surveillance
Rui Soares

Email: rui.soares@centimfe.com
Universidad de Extremadurahttps://www.unex.es/SpainWaste treatment and valorization
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Development of technology
Service 2
Consulting on waste valorization
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Analysis and characterization of materials
Service 2
Development of experimental technologies related with waste transformation
Service 3
Water analysis and characterization

Vicente Montes Jiménez

Email: vmontes@unex.es
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Mentoring at different stages of a project/product/service development including ideation, strategy, and implementation in the fields of sustainable construction, architectural design, analysis and evaluation of constructive and structural systems in architecture.
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Material testing laboratory. This service includes:Technical support for the characterization, improvement and validation of construction materials regarding national and international regulations by conducting tests based on physico, chemical, mechanical, acoustic properties and water absortion/adsorption capacity.
Service 2
Technical feasibility assessment. This service includes: Characterization, analysis and development of solutions/products for Building Thermal/Acoustic Insulation and Energy Efficiency.
It is avaiable technology expertise and facilities for validation; demonstration; proof of concept/lab testing; prototype development and testing; product validation.
Service 3
Sustainability and Life-Cycle Analysis, and Development/Analysis of sustainable and natural-based (including low carbon footprint solutions) solutions and materials.
It is avaiable technology expertise and facilities for validation; demonstration; proof of concept/lab testing; prototype development and testing; product validation.
Analysis and test based on functional characterization of materials, X-ray and microscopy techniques.
Building energy modelling.
Appropriate technology approach.

Marina Rosales
Head of the Knowledge Transfer Service of the University of Seville
Martínez_Mobile: +34679380782

Email: marinarosales@us.es
4D architectswww.4drchitects.nls/The NetherlandsInnovation in sustainable and reversible architecture
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Design and development of reversible circular buildings and building products
Service 2
Software development for digital assessment of building reversibility and reuse potential of elements. BIM based
Service 3
Guidelines and protocols for design of reversible circular buildings and products
Service 4
Transformation capacity tool, assessing building’s capacity to change with high level of circularity
More +

Email: e.durmisevic@4darchitects.nl
GTB Lab/ Laboratory for Green Transformable Buildingswww.gtb-lab.comThe NetherlandsInnovation in sustainable and reversible architecture
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Demonstration of circular building solutions
Service 2
Testing and validation of circular building tools
Service 3
Organisation of Workshops/ design studios and policy support for circular building
More +
Email: e.durmisevic@4darchitects.nl
PIEP - ASSOCIACAO POLO DE INOVACAO EM ENGENHARIA DE POLIMEROShttps://www.piep.ptPortugalConstruction, Automotive, Aerospace, Packaging, Energy
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Mentoring on Polymer Science techonologies oriented towards sustainability
IPR analysis

Service 1
On Polymer Science materials, products and processes
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Reactive and conventional compound extrusion for recyled and bio-based polymers inc/ Training
Service 2
Advanced Characterization of polymers: Mechanical, Physical, Rheological incl. Training
Service 3
Thermoset and Thermoplastic processing:
Composite materials Out-of-autoclave processing and polymer injection moulding;
Product Design and development incl/ Sustainability analysis: Life-cycle-Analysis and Carbon footprint
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
AM filament manufacture (conventional and reactive extrusion) (e.g. for European Space Agency)
Service 2
Plastronics and In-mold Electronics.
Sensor polymer parts: Design, Modelling and prototyping (LPKF technologies)
Service 3
All-in-one compound and injection equipment(aimed for recycling of bio and fossil based polymers)
Service 4
Thermoplastic Out-of-autoclave resin transfer processes (VARTM) for construction, naval and automotive sectors
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Polymer Innovative technology testing

Renato Reis
RINAItalyResiliency of Structures and Resilience of SMEs business/processes,
Sustainability of materials and Built Environment,
Digitalization of buildings and worksites
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Mentoring on topics of Resilience, Sustainability and Digitalization, their today landscape and future scientific and corporate trends
Service 2
Spotlighting the benefits of being innovative for the SME’s future plans, and sharing the experiences from incorporating scientific results from research projects into company practice
More +
Spoiler title

Service 1
Evaluate innovative ideas and their perspective to be patented, for the profit of the SME
Service 2
Elaboration of exploitation and road-to-market plans for innovative products and promising ideas
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Renovation methods and practices for the enhancement of bulidings (including those considered of cultural heritage) sustainability
Service 2
Development of advanced materials with enhanced energy perfomance and effective protection against various hazards (e.g., fire, explosion)
Service 3
Technical knowledge on the monitoring (e.g., via sensors) of the bulidings and the supervision of their structural health
Innovative buildings design for the adaptation and prevention from climate-related hazards (e.g. NBS)
Building company resiliency, towards external events, geo-political changes and operational disruptions
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Evaluation of SME’s design methods and practices, regarding their novelty and potential enhancement
Elaboration of Market Studies

Service 1
Analysis of current ctatus and future perspectives on resiliency frameworks and funding, for states and CI operators)
Service 2
Analysis of demo cases developed within EU research projects, and their cost and benefit evaluation for becoming a commercial service
Service 3
Cost and benefit analysis for implementing design methods in favour of the buildings sustainability and enhanced energy performance
CVR - Centro para a Valorização de Resíduoshttps://www.cvresiduos.pt/en/servicesPortugalResearch and Technology Organisation (RTOs) focus in the valorisation of different types of wastes, including CDW, textiles, plastics, composites, agri-food wastes, wastewaters sludges, wastes from mineral extraction, metal processing wastes, for the industrial sectors of digital industries, industry 4.0 (additive manufacturing), life cycle assessment, industrial symbioses, circular economy, nature-based solutiosn and constrution. It should be noted that several of the innovative solutions and options developed within the scope of the CVR's research and development area, led to the dimensioning, design and construction of prototypes, pilot installations and equipment for the validation of the proposed technological solutions and operational treatment cycles, allowing the definition and execution of installation layout projects for the implementation of technologies developed on an industrial scale.
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Materials and wastes sorting, pre-treatment, development and characterization – The LCR – Waste Characterization Laboratory is an internationally
accredited laboratory since 2010 according to standard NP EN ISO / IEC 17025 and has a highly qualified team, with quality technical and academic training and appropriate professional in order to provide value added services to their customers.
Service 2
Environmental Product Assessment – Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) e Life Cycle Costing (LCC), Carbon footprint, Sorting and Recycling, Ecotoxicological tests, Biodegradability and composability assessment.
Service 3
Product Sustainability and Circularity – Circularity Diagnosis and Action Plan, Ecodesign; End-of-life strategies.
More +
Jorge Araújo

Email: jaraujo@cvresiduos.pt
UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA (UPC)https://www.cvresiduos.pt/en/servicesSPAINCivil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering,...
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Research activity, Consulting, technical development of innovative ideas
Service 2
Mentoring at different stages of a project/product/service development including ideation, strategy, and implementation in the fields of BIM, AR and VR representation, Blockchain logistics, green services, architectural design, smart buildings, etc
Service 3
Creation on innovative ideas / opportunities in architecture and architectural construction
More +
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Building physics laboratory, simulations, research into innovative materials and constructions. Building physics and building ecology laboratory tests. Connections.
Service 2
Sustainability and Life-Cycle Analysis, and Development/Analysis of Sustainable and Natural-Based (including low carbon footprint solutions) Solutions and Materials. Mainly, in wood/timber construction and envelopes/façades.

Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Identification of partners or innovative technologies with private enterprises, R&D Centers, SMEs, Industry.

Elaboration of Cross-Sectoral Business Models/Plans

Service 1
Cooperation, Consulting

European Project Unit

Email: cttinfo.europeus@upc.edu

Email: cttinfo.europeus@upc.edu
Patriarche UX https://patriarche-ux.fr/France Digital solutions (design, development, maintenance, hosting), consulting, UX/UI design, POC and prototyping, smart buildings, digital equipments reseller.
Innovation Mentoring

Service 1
Assisting our clients from the definitions of their needs to the deployment of a solution (tailor made or found on the market).
Service 2
UI/UX design, prototyping, design thinking

Service 3
Consulting, expertise on different domains (IT, network, cloud, development…).
More +

Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Designing and developping solutions / apps : web and mobile applications, digital communication strategy, hosting, multimedia and dynamic displays, virtual and augmented reality.
Service 2 Expertise in digitalization of spaces for architecture’s project and deployment of digital solutions applied to architecture. Deployment of Smart Buildings.
Service 3
Expertise in user experience and user interface (UI/UX design).
Providing our knowledge to develop bespoke solutions that perfectly feet the specifications of each client.
Identification of Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
ECOSYSTEM BUILDING: definition of the interaction and collaboration between the different actors of the innovation ecosystem in which the customer plays
Service 2
TECHNOLOGY BROKERAGE: Identification of possible technological solutions and market players, to understand which actions are more strategic for clients.
Due Diligence on Potential Partners or Innovative Technologies

Service 1
Smart Building : Imagining and designing digital and intelligent buildings by enhancing their efficiency, interoperability and functionalities. Find the right partners and equipment to deploy a working smart building.
Service 2
Monitoring of digital solutions, equipment’s and partners that can be included in buildings.
Service 3
Monitoring of new frameworks and tools (like CMS, ecommerce, CRM, ERP, cloud solutions…) we can propose to our customers.

Email: t.renard@patriarche.fr
Jean-Francois CARONhttp://www.enpc.frFrance Technical analysis and assistance
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
modeling of materials and multilayer structures
Service 2
composite applications for construction, complex multilayers, wood/composite/concrete or deployable structures
Service 3
experimental platform for additive manufacturing and robotic construction.

Jean-Francois CARON
Adélaïde FERAILLEhttp://www.enpc.frFranceTechnical analysis and assistance
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
Specialist in life cycle analysis (LCA) of materials and structures, circularity of materials and structures (reuse, recycling)
Service 2
Specialist in environmentally friendly materials.
Service 3
experimental platform for additive manufacturing and robotic construction.

O BAVERELhttp://www.enpc.frFranceTechnical analysis and assistance
Technical Analysis and Assistance

Service 1
modeling of materials and multilayer structures
Service 2
composite applications for construction, complex multilayers, wood/composite/concrete or deployable structures
Service 3
specialist in hulls and spatial structures and architecture in extreme environments