METABUILDING Bringing Innovation to the Construction Sector Mon, 16 Aug 2021 14:54:46 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 METABUILDING 32 32 METABUILDING 1st SEED CALL WILL BE OPEN FROM DECEMBER 15th, 2020 Tue, 01 Dec 2020 09:47:38 +0000

Innovation Funding and Support for SMEs of the Built Environment Sector

SMEs working in the Construction, Digital Industry, Additive Manufacturing, Circular Economy or Nature-Based Solutions sectors will be able to receive up to € 5,000 in support for their innovations.

The objective of the H2020 METABUILDING project is to boost the innovation of construction SMEs, through collaborations with other more innovative sectors.

It is aimed at SMEs in the 6 target countries of the project: France, Italy, Spain, Austria, Hungary and Portugal.

This first call will finance, up to € 5,000, SMEs whose projects have an application for the construction world and which come from the building, digital, additive manufacturing, circular economy or nature-based solutions sectors.

SMEs will be able to submit their application online, between December 15th, 2020 and January 31, 2021 (application in English at


METABUILDING SEED CALL , innovation for SMEs, construction sector
METABULDING WORKSHOP PORTUGAL Tue, 01 Dec 2020 09:46:21 +0000 A PTPC organizará, no próximo dia 15 de dezembro 2020, o workshop Apoio à Inovação a PMEs no Setor da Construção” onde serão discutidos os principais desafios com que as Pequenas e Médias Empresas no setor da construção se debatem atualmente.

O workshop focar-se-á na discussão de quatro grandes temáticas, especificamente construção, tecnologias da informação e comunicação aplicadas à área da construção, reciclagem/economia circular e soluções baseadas na natureza. Será também efetuada uma primeira apresentação do apoio financeiro disponível para as PMEs no âmbito do projeto METABUILDING – a convocatória SEED.

O registo poderá ser efetuado aqui:

METABUILDING WORKSHOP AUSTRIA – INNOVATION CHALLENGES – GRÜNSTATTGRAU (Remote Event) Mon, 30 Nov 2020 16:03:18 +0000 Definition of cross-sectoral INNOVATION CHALLENGES​ for Metabuilding Calls for Innovation

The Austrian workshop for innovation challenges will take place on Wednesday, 2nd December 2020, 14:00 – 18:00 (2:00 – 6:00 pm). It will be held as an entirely open cross-sectoral workshop with participants of all five METABUILDING sectors: ConstructionAdditive ManufacturingNature Based SolutionsCircularity & Recycling, and ICT-Digitalization. 


  • To identify and develop a common understanding of challenges and topics of the future​.
  • To identify and analyze key gaps.
  • To develop and promote cooperation between researchers, innovators and investors and to increase the involvement of stakeholders from the government, research, the private sector and investors.
  • Development and consensus regarding monitoring methods. ​
  • Increased engagement with private companies, industry and investors to push innovations.​
  • Identification of bilateral and multilateral collaboration.
  • Further development of work programmes of METABUILDING funding.

This interactive online workshop will have a duration of 4 hours and will count with a maximum of 30 participants. It will be organized as follows:

1. Warm up session: Presenting successful cross industry innovation projects.

2. Analysis and evaluation session on prepared challenges.

3. Brainstorming session to collect ideas for further cross-sectoral challenges.

4. Quick evaluation session


En el marco del proyecto europeo METABUILDING, PTEC / IDONIAL / INDRA-MINSAIT organizan su primer workshop en España. El proyecto METABUILDING busca promover el desarrollo de la innovación y la colaboración intersectorial entre las PYMES en el sector de la construcción, con el apoyo, de los clusters y las asociaciones profesionales. En el workshop se reunirán expertos de los sectores profesionales y se definirán las futuras líneas de investigación en las que la iniciativa METABUILDING se desarrollará.

El workshop español para los retos de la innovación tendrá lugar el martes 1 de diciembre de 2020 (9:30h – 13:30h CET). Se llevará a cabo como un taller intersectorial privado con participantes de los sectores de TIC-Digitalización y AD-Fabricación Aditiva.

Los clusters y asociaciones profesionales que participarán en la creación del proyecto desempeñarán un papel importante, ya que guiarán, comunicarán y propondrán, entre las PYMES miembros, las oportunidades relacionadas con el proyecto METABUILDING (ayudas y financiación, relaciones intersectoriales, promoción de la innovación, etc.). Desde España se promoverán los sectores de ICT-Digitalización y Fabricación Aditiva dentro del Sector de la Construcción.

PTEC / IDONIAL / INDRA-MINSAIT serán los encargados de ayudar a la difusión del proyecto en España, asegurando la cooperación entre los clusters y las PYMES del sector. Desde PTEC les invitamos a conocer más sobre el proyecto en la página oficial del proyecto:

Puede consultar la AGENDA del workshop en el documento adjunto.



Dans le cadre du projet européen METABUILDING, Cercle Promodul/INEF4 organise un Workshop Virtuel: Ateliers et keynotes autour de l’innovation du secteur du bâtiment porté par les PME.

SAVE-THE-DATE!!! ► Workshop virtuel dédié FRANCE

Rendez-vous le 23 novembre 2020 à partir de 14h.

Vous êtes intéressé ? Le nombre de place étant limité, la pré-inscription est obligatoire. Je m’inscris !

Le projet METABUILDING vise à encourager l’innovation dans le bâtiment en faisant bénéficier à plus de 140 PME du secteur d’un soutien financier, d’un accompagnement ainsi que de la mise en place d’une plateforme européenne de l’innovation collaborative. +d’infos ►

Highlights of the CIRQ (event organized by the french cluster Novabuild) Tue, 17 Nov 2020 15:00:19 +0000 Organized by NOVABUILD*, the CIRQ 3rd edition was held virtually on Thursday, October 22, 2020.

This edition was placed under the theme of energy renovation as a response to climate change, with the presentation of field solutions to facilitate the energy renovation and its massification.

Massifying supposes to innovate : an innovation that is both technical and organizational in order to remove barriers.

You can find all the contributions here:

Also, the METABUILDING project has been presented during this online conference (webinar). For more information, watch the « morning » video (from 2h44min27sec).

* Construction and building Cluster in the French region « Pays de la Loire », and sustainable construction’ resource Center.

The Tallest Green Building in Hungary Tue, 17 Nov 2020 14:57:35 +0000 In the center of Újpest (Budapest, Hungary) the 632-apartment Metrodom Panorama residential park was handed over this year, where 170 trees and 3,000 meters of shrubs were planted on 4 separate buildings on their 55 meters tall 17-storey towers, for a total of roughly 10,000 plants. In addition, the roofs of the lower wings of the building have also been planted with various shrubs, and there are running plants inside and outside the buildings that are planned to run up to 25 meters high over time. The plants are supplied with water by an automatic irrigation system, primarily using rainwater collected in cisterns.

Link to video:

SMEs and Innovation: Prospects for the Construction Sector Tue, 17 Nov 2020 14:56:00 +0000 SMEs and Innovation: Prospects for the Construction Sector (FR document) 

From an economic point of view, the construction and building activity sector plays a preponderant role in the European economy, and is characterized, among other things, by the predominance of micro-enterprises and SMEs: 99% of companies in the sector in Europe are SMEs, accounting for 83% of total employment. SMEs therefore constitute a considerable potential and a breeding ground for solutions and major innovations. 

Yet today, the construction sector is still described as “aging” or “traditional”, and is struggling to renew itself to cope with a growing rise of new players, whose core business is innovation.

Indeed, compared with other industrial sectors, the world of construction has a significant deficit in terms of productivity growth, and R&D investments made by construction companies are still low.

To introduce innovations, companies often need to cooperate with partners in order to gain access to new knowledge and skills.

Large companies then tend more in this direction than SMEs (60% of large innovative companies establish cooperations to innovate). However, the latter are not to be outdone and have many assets for innovation: 61% of managers of SMEs in the construction sector in France consider innovation to be a key element of their development strategy.

The LAB Cercle Promodul / INE4 is enriched with a new practical file! Tue, 17 Nov 2020 14:54:57 +0000 PASSIVE REFRESHING AND SUMMER COMFORT: NEW PRACTICE FILE (FR document)

Always fully in our role to support and help the growing skills of building professionals, we are continuing our series of deliverables on passive cooling and summer comfort with the publication of a new file to raise awareness of adaptation of buildings to global warming.

After several complete deliverables on the subject, the objective of this one is to facilitate, thanks to a work of synthesis, the comprehension via 3 levels of reading:

  • Global warming: What are the challenges? Why is the adaptation of the building necessary today?
  • Passive cooling: How can it be a solution for summer comfort? How to set it up?
  • The user: What is its role? How to change its behaviour?


The Spanish Technological Platform for Construction launches its Positioning Document for the Spanish construction sector in Europe Fri, 13 Nov 2020 13:42:19 +0000 This position document, prepared by the members of the PTEC, aims to publicize the main challenges faced by the national construction sector and its influence on the European environment in the field of R+D+i.

The PTEC is oriented to contribute to 4 major current global challenges defined from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

• Energy transition and decarbonization

• Digital transition

• Circular economy and industrialization

• Built environment geared towards user needs

Its objective is to provide a framework for the Spanish construction sector, its national evolution and its influence in Europe, especially highlighting the technological progress that the sector has developed in recent years, as well as the R & D & I priorities that it must develop. in order to maximize its socioeconomic and environmental impact, in addition to highlighting the work carried out by the PTEC as a network of understanding and collaboration in the Spanish construction sector at all levels (small, medium, large companies, technology centers and universities). To do this, it analyzes the evolution of the Construction sector in Spain, the specific role of the PTEC (mission, objectives, positioning), the keys to evolve in the sector.

This Positioning document also offers a vision of the R+D+i priorities to solve the global challenges of the sector (priority technological lines, promotion of innovation in construction and digital transformation of the sector) and the keys to its evolution.

PTEC intends to show not only its capabilities, but also its commitment to the European future of the construction sector, in which it intends to make valuable contributions and also grow with it.


C / Diego de León, 50 Madrid 28006
